

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-11 23:11

  本文選題:中國畫 + 美術(shù)鑒賞。 參考:《山東師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Art is not only a type of culture, but also a carrier of culture. As a typical style of Chinese painting, Chinese painting embodies the essence of Chinese traditional culture and has the value of inheriting culture and art. In the reform of the new art curriculum, with the continuous improvement of our national consciousness, primary and secondary education also pay more and more attention to the teaching of Chinese painting, which has become an important way to inherit and develop national culture. With the development of psychology and physiology and the increase of cultural knowledge, the students in senior high school gradually mature their aesthetic emotion and attitude. Chinese painting appreciation education in senior middle school is of great significance to the inheritance of national culture. However, as an important link to inherit and develop the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, the teaching of Chinese painting appreciation has always been a weak link in high school art teaching, and the prospects are worrying. The art knowledge of students mainly depends on the art classroom teaching, which is one of the important channels for students to improve their aesthetic ability and obtain all-round development. The effect of classroom teaching is directly related to whether the quality of art teaching can be improved. How to effectively enhance the effectiveness of the classroom teaching of high Chinese painting appreciation and stimulate students' love of traditional culture has become the core problem to be solved first and foremost, which plays an important role in the realization of the teaching goal of art appreciation. Therefore, we should focus on the study of effective teaching methods. Through teaching practice, this paper uses literature retrieval, investigation and interview, teaching practice and other methods to carry on preliminary exploration. The thesis is divided into four parts: the first part analyzes the significance of setting up Chinese painting appreciation course in senior high school under the influence of current commercial pop culture, the second part, based on the interview of teachers and students in some schools in Suzhou, To understand the current situation of the effective teaching of high Chinese painting appreciation; part three, to explore the effective teaching methods in view of the deficiency and deficiency of the current teaching of high Chinese painting appreciation, In this part, the author tries to explore the use of thematic teaching method, starting with arousing students' interest in learning and exploring, so as to make the teaching materials reasonable. Scientific recombination, refining teaching key points and difficulties to form a special topic study, guide students through active research and participation, break through the understanding of key and difficult points, effectively improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching; part four, In order to prove the feasibility of the author's research, this paper tries to use the special teaching method in the teaching of high appreciation of Chinese painting. The teaching method designed by this research is mainly based on the author's action and reflection in the specific teaching practice, and it has certain pertinence and directionality. There is also no universal effective teaching method. The use of effective teaching methods should be adapted to the characteristics of teaching content, teachers' teaching style and specific teaching environment. The author believes that this is the effective way to improve the effectiveness of teaching.


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