
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 文藝論文 > 廣告藝術(shù)論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-10-17 14:53
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing prosperity of the mobile Internet, the number of mobile applications has increased rapidly. Android platform has become one of the most mobile applications and the largest number of users. At the same time, the security threats are becoming more and more serious. Application software is easy to be cracked and tampered with, advertisement and malicious code are implanted, and spread wantonly through various third-party channels, which seriously damages the rights and interests of Internet enterprises and users. The research on security protection of mobile application software is of great practical significance. In view of the importance of application software security in Android platform, this paper analyzes the security mechanism of Android operating system and the threats to the application software. This paper mainly discusses and analyzes the existing Android application software protection technology, including source code protection technology, anti-tamper technology, shell technology, file hiding technology, anti-debugging technology, anti-simulator technology. Combined with various protection technologies, a comprehensive protection scheme is designed. Among them, the technical link of counter-simulator is relatively weak, but extremely important. Therefore, this paper focuses on counter-simulator technology. In the aspect of counter-simulator technology, several existing anti-simulation techniques and simulator hiding techniques are described and analyzed in detail. The anti-simulator technology and the anti-simulator hiding technology are carried out in the attack and defense. By analyzing the experimental results, an anomaly detection technique based on fluctuation signal is proposed in this paper. This technique uses the idea of anomaly detection and combines the characteristics of Android platform to realize the detection of simulator. The anomaly detection technology based on fluctuation signal has high accuracy and good expansibility, and has strong practical application value.


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