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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-14 10:44
【摘要】: 在廣告、模具、標(biāo)牌、工藝品等許多加工行業(yè)中,有時需要根據(jù)一幅已有的圖像加工相應(yīng)的零件或產(chǎn)品。為了提高效率、縮短產(chǎn)品周期、降低成本并保證產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,需要有一種直接基于圖像的加工方法。雖然目前的CAD/CAM集成系統(tǒng)的功能都很強大,但對于基于圖像的加工問題,通常沒有提供從圖像讀入到圖像處理及矢量化,最終生成數(shù)控代碼的一體化解決方案。為了解決這個問題,借助現(xiàn)有的數(shù)字圖像處理技術(shù)和CAD/CAM集成技術(shù),對基于圖像的數(shù)控加工做了深入細(xì)致的研究和探討。總體上分成三個部分。 第一部分研究了圖像獲取與存儲、顏色量化和減色、灰度化處理、圖像增強、二值化、輪廓提取及細(xì)化等數(shù)字圖像處理技術(shù)。采用了索引表細(xì)化和數(shù)學(xué)形態(tài)學(xué)細(xì)化相結(jié)合的細(xì)化方法。在細(xì)化的基礎(chǔ)上,提出了點跟蹤矢量化方法,優(yōu)化設(shè)計了跟蹤方向模板。最后,探討了仿書法加工方法及圖像線條寬度的獲取。 第二部分研究了基于矢量字符的輪廓加工方法,解決了字符矢量輪廓獲取、圖元排序、輪廓方向及包含關(guān)系判斷、輪廓偏移處理及NC代碼生成等一系列問題。在輪廓偏移求轉(zhuǎn)接交點時,采用了平面解析幾何的方法,使得計算過程與坐標(biāo)系無關(guān),保證了程序的穩(wěn)定可靠性。 最后一個部分引入了計算機圖形學(xué)中邊表和活性邊表的基本概念,建立了適合本課題要求的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)及節(jié)點表和行切軌跡上節(jié)點的左右關(guān)系,并通過單調(diào)鏈和單調(diào)鏈表,完善了節(jié)點表并建立了所有節(jié)點的前后關(guān)系,最終解決了型腔行切加工問題。 通過對數(shù)字圖像處理技術(shù)和CAD/CAM集成技術(shù)的應(yīng)用和研究,在Visual C++ 2003平臺上為本課題編寫的程序Art Engraver實現(xiàn)了與本課題有關(guān)的所有算法或方法,達到了預(yù)期的目標(biāo)。在每個部分算法或方法的最后,都給出了相應(yīng)的Art Engraver處理實例,以顯示算法或方法的正確有效性。
[Abstract]:In many industries, such as advertisement, mould, sign, handicraft and so on, parts or products need to be processed according to an existing image. In order to improve the efficiency, shorten the product cycle, reduce the cost and guarantee the product quality, it is necessary to have a direct image-based processing method. Although the functions of current CAD/CAM integration systems are very powerful, there is usually no integrated solution from image reading to image processing and vectorization to generate NC code for image-based processing. In order to solve this problem, with the help of the existing digital image processing technology and CAD/CAM integration technology, the image based NC machining is studied and discussed in detail. Overall, it is divided into three parts. In the first part, digital image processing techniques such as image acquisition and storage, color quantization and reduction, grayscale processing, image enhancement, binarization, contour extraction and thinning are studied. The thinning method of index table thinning and mathematical morphology thinning is adopted. On the basis of refinement, the point tracking vectorization method is proposed, and the tracking direction template is optimized. Finally, the processing method of imitating calligraphy and the acquisition of line width of image are discussed. In the second part, the method of contour processing based on vector characters is studied, which solves a series of problems, such as character vector contour acquisition, graph element sorting, contour direction and inclusion relationship judgment, contour offset processing and NC code generation, etc. The plane analytic geometry method is used to calculate the intersection point of contour offset, which makes the calculation process independent of coordinate system and ensures the stability and reliability of the program. In the last part, the basic concepts of edge table and active edge table in computer graphics are introduced, and the data structure and the relations between the nodes on the node table and the tangent locus are established, and the monotone chain and the monotone linked list are adopted. The nodal table is perfected and the relationship between all the nodes is established. Finally, the problem of cavity cutting is solved. Through the application and research of digital image processing technology and CAD/CAM integration technology, the program Art Engraver written for this subject on the platform of Visual C 2003 has realized all the algorithms or methods related to this subject, and achieved the expected goal. At the end of each part of the algorithm or method, a corresponding Art Engraver processing example is given to show the validity of the algorithm or method.


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2 劉立波;基于數(shù)學(xué)形態(tài)學(xué)的二值圖象細(xì)化算法[J];湖南文理學(xué)院學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版);2004年02期

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5 李俠民,徐美瑞;兩個快速的完全的并行細(xì)化算法[J];計算機研究與發(fā)展;1996年07期

6 寧國勤,朱中煜,朱紹文,肖毅;激光打標(biāo)中圖形、圖像的處理[J];激光技術(shù);2002年04期

7 宋憲一;我國CAD/CAM技術(shù)應(yīng)用現(xiàn)狀及其發(fā)展趨勢[J];CAD/CAM與制造業(yè)信息化;2004年10期

8 謝明紅;圖象矢量化的優(yōu)化方法研究[J];計算機工程與應(yīng)用;2003年13期

9 嚴(yán)素蓉,朱桂林,徐從富;一種位圖矢量化新方法[J];計算機工程與應(yīng)用;2005年14期

10 呂俊白;一種有效的二值圖像細(xì)化算法[J];計算機工程;2003年18期

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1 葉建華;數(shù)控切割CAD/CAM集成系統(tǒng)及影雕技術(shù)的研究[D];華僑大學(xué);2006年





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