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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-12 09:49
【摘要】: 我國是服裝大國,但并不是服裝強(qiáng)國,我國服裝企業(yè)發(fā)展水平層次不齊,而且服裝消費(fèi)市場也呈現(xiàn)明顯的二元性,發(fā)達(dá)地區(qū)與不發(fā)達(dá)地區(qū),農(nóng)村與城市都存在很大的差異,這就需要研究我國現(xiàn)有各個不同層次的服裝企業(yè),找出一條適合其發(fā)展的分銷渠道和信息渠道。 現(xiàn)在的一些文獻(xiàn)資料對服裝企業(yè)品牌建設(shè)和文化建設(shè)研究的較多,對渠道建設(shè)的研究也只是停留在對分銷渠道的研究,而且研究的比較泛泛,沒有把信息渠道和分銷渠道結(jié)合在一起綜合考慮,這樣對于服裝行業(yè)來說是不科學(xué)的,服裝流行周期短,服裝流行周期不僅表現(xiàn)在時裝季節(jié)短,也表現(xiàn)在面料、流行色、款式、設(shè)計的快速變化,這個特點(diǎn)給服裝行業(yè)帶來無限的生機(jī),也給服裝企業(yè)經(jīng)營帶來高風(fēng)險性和不穩(wěn)定性。這就要求服裝企業(yè)做到根據(jù)市場信息迅速的捕捉流行趨勢,抓住機(jī)會,搶占市場。之所以把信息渠道和分銷渠道放在一起討論還是因為兩者之間具有相輔相成的關(guān)系,信息渠道可以包括單向的信息渠道,如廣告,公共關(guān)系等,雙向的信息渠道是依靠分銷渠道來完成的,分銷渠道的模式選擇直接影響信息渠道作用的發(fā)揮,反過來有效的信息傳遞,會強(qiáng)化原有分銷渠道或改變原有分銷渠道而采取更有效的分銷渠道。 根據(jù)服裝企業(yè)的特點(diǎn),提出信息渠道的概念,即:所有有利于企業(yè)在設(shè)計、生產(chǎn)、銷售等方面的信息的流轉(zhuǎn)路徑,就叫做信息渠道,包括單向信息傳出渠道、單向的信息收集渠道、雙向信息傳播渠道。并且將信息渠道提高到與分銷渠道同樣重要的高度,一并稱為“雙渠道”。 同時將我國服裝企業(yè)根據(jù)價格不同和雙渠道的差異性,分為高檔服裝企業(yè)、中檔服裝企業(yè)、低檔知名品牌服裝企業(yè)和低檔非知名品牌服裝企業(yè),并且將分銷渠道和信息渠道整合后分別與高檔、中檔、低檔知名品牌服裝企業(yè)和低檔非知名品牌服裝企業(yè)進(jìn)行適應(yīng)性分析和選擇研究,探求一條適合我國不同層次企業(yè)的最佳渠道。
[Abstract]:China is a large clothing country, but not a strong clothing country. The level of development of garment enterprises in China is not uniform, and the clothing consumption market also presents an obvious duality. There are great differences between developed and underdeveloped areas, rural areas and cities. Therefore, it is necessary to study the different levels of garment enterprises in our country and find out a distribution channel and information channel suitable for their development. At present, some documents have done more research on brand building and cultural construction of garment enterprises, and the research on channel construction has only stayed in the research of distribution channels, and the research has been more general. There is no comprehensive consideration of the combination of information channels and distribution channels. This is unscientific for the clothing industry. The fashion period is short, and the fashion cycle is not only reflected in the short fashion season, but also in the fabric, fashionable colors, and styles. The rapid change of design brings infinite vitality to garment industry, and also brings high risk and instability to garment enterprise management. This requires garment enterprises to quickly capture trends according to market information, seize opportunities and seize the market. The reason why information channels and distribution channels are discussed together or because there is a complementary relationship between the two, information channels can include one-way information channels, such as advertising, public relations, etc. The two-way information channel is based on the distribution channel. The mode choice of the distribution channel directly affects the function of the information channel, and in turn, the effective information transmission. Will strengthen the original distribution channels or change the original distribution channels to adopt more effective distribution channels. According to the characteristics of garment enterprises, the concept of information channel is put forward, that is, all information flow paths that are conducive to the design, production and sale of enterprises are called information channels, including one-way information outgoing channels. One-way information collection channel, two-way information dissemination channel. And the information channel to the distribution channel as important as the height, together with the "double channel." At the same time, according to the difference of price and double channels, the garment enterprises of our country are divided into high-grade clothing enterprises, mid-grade clothing enterprises, low-grade well-known brand clothing enterprises and low-grade and non-well-known brand clothing enterprises. After integrating the distribution channel and the information channel, the adaptability analysis and selection of the high-grade, middle-grade, low-grade well-known brand clothing enterprises and the low-grade non-well-known brand clothing enterprises are carried out, respectively. To explore a suitable for different levels of Chinese enterprises the best channel.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 周旭東,夏蕾;快速反應(yīng)在服裝營銷中的應(yīng)用[J];紡織學(xué)報;2004年04期

2 張黎,Marsha A.Dickson;渠道權(quán)力理論與國外品牌服裝在我國的營銷渠道[J];南開管理評論;2004年04期

3 李國生;;品牌服裝營銷模式的創(chuàng)新研究[J];商場現(xiàn)代化;2006年11期




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