

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-12 09:46
【摘要】: 本世紀(jì)最熱門(mén)的話(huà)題之一就是關(guān)于性的。盡管人類(lèi)社會(huì)逐漸步入數(shù)字紀(jì)元,性始終在人類(lèi)社會(huì)占據(jù)著重要地位,性感的男性女性始終是廣告的焦點(diǎn)所在。在廣告界,性訴求依然作為一個(gè)重要的賣(mài)點(diǎn)存在于廣告創(chuàng)意中。本論文主要研究了性訴求在英語(yǔ)國(guó)家廣告中的運(yùn)用,同時(shí)對(duì)中國(guó)廣告界采用這種訴求方式可行性,必要性以及注意事項(xiàng)進(jìn)行了分析。 何謂性訴求廣告?性訴求廣告是以廣告受眾的感官,本能,感受為出發(fā)點(diǎn)來(lái)激發(fā)他們購(gòu)買(mǎi)欲望的訴求手段。好的性訴求廣告能夠吸引人的注意力,刺激觀(guān)眾的欲望,并且引發(fā)觀(guān)眾對(duì)品牌的積極聯(lián)想。 早在十九世紀(jì)六十年代,廣告人已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)性吸引是一條通往財(cái)富之路。近年來(lái),原本局限于某幾類(lèi)產(chǎn)品的性訴求廣告范圍逐漸擴(kuò)大。在21世紀(jì),由于電視,廣播,雜志等媒體的高度發(fā)展,性訴求廣告更是無(wú)所不在。性訴求廣告在取得良好廣告效應(yīng)的同時(shí)也受到來(lái)自社會(huì)方方面面的批評(píng)。廣告人處于一種矛盾的困境中:究竟是以利益為中心開(kāi)發(fā)性訴求廣告還是嚴(yán)格遵循社會(huì)道德成為他們?cè)谠O(shè)計(jì)性訴求廣告過(guò)程中亟待解決的問(wèn)題。而大部分時(shí)間,利益戰(zhàn)勝了道德,挑戰(zhàn)大眾接受極限的性訴求廣告紛紛出臺(tái)。廣告向我們傳遞著社會(huì)的思維,信仰,滲透到我們生活的各個(gè)領(lǐng)域。因此廣告作為一門(mén)社會(huì)學(xué)科,它的性感使用度一直被公眾所關(guān)注。事實(shí)上,隨著社會(huì)性意識(shí)的逐步開(kāi)放,,性廣告覆蓋了社會(huì)的方方面面,所受限制也越來(lái)越少。 論文作者對(duì)本領(lǐng)域的興趣來(lái)自于一個(gè)事實(shí),即今天愈來(lái)愈多的廣告采用性訴求來(lái)幫助銷(xiāo)售產(chǎn)品,而在一個(gè)多世紀(jì)以前,性訴求仍然是廣告中的一塊禁地。當(dāng)今社會(huì),人們的購(gòu)買(mǎi)欲望已經(jīng)朝著更為直接,強(qiáng)調(diào)自我和享受的方向發(fā)展。這種趨勢(shì)也可以看作是一種人性的解放。因此,如何創(chuàng)造出一些既具有藝術(shù)美感,又能帶了較好市場(chǎng)收益的性行銷(xiāo)廣告就顯得尤為重要。 由于性領(lǐng)域始終面臨著來(lái)自社會(huì)道德方面的制約,我國(guó)在使用性訴求廣告時(shí)一直十分謹(jǐn)慎,在這方面的研究也比較有限。性行銷(xiāo)廣告一定要考慮到不同民族,社會(huì)的歷史傳統(tǒng)以及性別角色的差異。忽視這一點(diǎn)將會(huì)使品牌遭受巨大的損失。論文共分為四個(gè)部分。論文先從性訴求廣告的發(fā)展歷史入手,回顧了自二十世紀(jì)二十年代來(lái)性訴求廣告的發(fā)展歷程。本文分析了男性和女性在性訴求廣告中所呈 現(xiàn)的形象,以及這些形象對(duì)目標(biāo)受眾的影響。文章對(duì)性訴求廣告內(nèi)容進(jìn)行了分析, 即哪些因素構(gòu)成了性訴求,這些因素的強(qiáng)弱程度對(duì)性訴求廣告效應(yīng)的影響以及 性訴求廣告在人物選擇,氛圍,聲音等方面的規(guī)則。論文討論了性訴求廣告對(duì)企 業(yè)品牌方面有三方面的積極影響,分別是吸引觀(guān)眾注意力,引發(fā)積極聯(lián)想,形成 正面品牌形象。論文最后提出性訴求廣告要注意不同民族,文化,人群的差異, 從而做出相應(yīng)的調(diào)整來(lái)適應(yīng)這些差異性。 通過(guò)上述幾個(gè)方面的分析,論文作者認(rèn)為性訴求廣告是一種有效的行銷(xiāo)方 式。西方的性行銷(xiāo)廣告已經(jīng)非常發(fā)達(dá),而在國(guó)內(nèi),該領(lǐng)域的無(wú)論是理論研究還是 實(shí)踐應(yīng)用還是相對(duì)落后的。隨著我國(guó)社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,人們意識(shí)形態(tài)的進(jìn)一步開(kāi) 放,需要更多的廣告人來(lái)關(guān)注這個(gè)領(lǐng)域。我們?cè)诔浞至私獾剿谛袖N(xiāo)方面的有效 性的同時(shí),也要認(rèn)識(shí)到它的負(fù)面效應(yīng)。只有這樣,性行銷(xiāo)這種方式才能更好的為 我國(guó)的廣告人所用。
[Abstract]:One of the hottest topics in this century is about sex. Although the human society is gradually stepping into the digital democracy, sex always plays an important role in the human society, and the sexy male woman is always the focus of the advertisement. In the advertising industry, sex appeal still serves as an important selling point in the advertising creativity. This paper mainly studies the application of sex appeal in English national advertisement, and analyzes the feasibility, necessity and matters needing attention of Chinese advertising industry in this way. Advertising for sex appeal? Sex demand advertisement is based on the sense, instinct and feeling of the advertisement audience. Purchase desire means. A good sex appeal advertisement can attract people's attention, stimulate the audience's desire, and trigger a view A positive association of brands. Early in the 1960s, The advertiser has discovered that sexual attraction is a path to wealth. In recent years, the original bureau In the 21st century, television, radio, magazines, etc. Media's high development, sex appeal advertisement is omnipresent. Sex demand advertisement is in good advertisement The effect is also subject to criticism from all aspects of society. The problems to be solved in the process of designing sexual appeal are solved. Most of the time, the interests are over the morality. The challenge is to challenge the public acceptance of the limits of sex appeal advertisements in succession. The ads deliver the society to us" Thinking, belief, penetration into all areas of our life, and advertising as a business. "In fact, with the gradual opening of social awareness, sexual advertisements cover The author's interest in this area comes from a fact that today an increasing number of ads use sexual appeal to help Sales products, but before more than a century, sex appeal is still a forbidden place in advertising. Today's society People's desire for purchase has been directed more directly, strongly Development in the direction of self-adjustment and enjoyment. This trend can also be seen as a liberation of human nature. Therefore, how to create something that It is particularly important to have an artistic sense of beauty and a sex marketing advertisement with better market returns. As a moral constraint, our country has been very cautious in the use of sex appeal advertisements. Research is also limited. Sex-marketing ads must take into account History of different nationalities and societies Traditional and gender roles are different. Ignoring this will make the brand a huge loss. The paper is divided into four parts. This paper begins with the development history of sex appeal advertisement, and reviews On the Development of Sex Claims in the 1920s; In this paper, the sex appeal of men and women is analyzed. The image presented in the complaint, as well as these forms As to the target audience, the article discusses the advertising content of sex appeal analysis, That is, what constitutes sexual appeal, the influence of these factors on the advertising effect of sex appeal; The rules of sex appeal advertisement in character selection, atmosphere, sound and so on. Discuss the advertisement of sex appeal to the enterprise There are three positive influences on the brand of the industry, which are attracting the attention of the audience and initiating positive effects. association A positive brand image is formed. Finally, the paper points out that the advertisement for sexual appeal is to be noted. Having different nationalities, cultures, and people. a difference in order to make a corresponding adjustment adapt to these differences. Through the analysis of the above aspects, the author recognizes that Advertising is an effective marketing party for sex appeal. ..Western marketing advertising. It's already very developed, and in


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 孫君煒;現(xiàn)代西方商業(yè)廣告中的人性精神[D];華東師范大學(xué);2011年

2 李杰;中國(guó)廣告中的性元素解讀[D];云南大學(xué);2011年




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