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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 09:03
【摘要】:本文試圖運用管理學(xué)知識,結(jié)合本人在聯(lián)想和戴爾公司工作的實際經(jīng)驗,,收集查閱大量最新、詳實準(zhǔn)確客觀的資料,從企業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略、市場、渠道、產(chǎn)品及服務(wù)企業(yè)文化、人力資源等幾個方面分析戴爾和聯(lián)想公司營銷策略。 聯(lián)想和戴爾公司作為著名的計算機設(shè)備及服務(wù)供應(yīng)商,同時是IT行業(yè)的兩大競爭對手。針對IT行業(yè)的特點,本文從IT研究領(lǐng)域競爭環(huán)境分析入手,運用SWOT分析法、4P等理論,結(jié)合渠道策略、產(chǎn)品、價格和廣告等組合分析法等多種手段,分析競爭環(huán)境,確定兩家公司核心競爭能力和競爭關(guān)鍵因素,研究雙方新的市場營銷發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,得出以下幾點結(jié)論: (一) “戴爾模式”:直接是根本,直銷是表象!注重提供最佳客戶體驗,精髓是從零件制造到集成工廠到客戶的供應(yīng)鏈管理系統(tǒng)。聯(lián)想的成功是分銷渠道體系!“大聯(lián)想合作伙伴體系”已經(jīng)歷了“代理分銷”和“緊密分銷”兩個階段,正步入“集成分銷”的第三階段,“集成分銷”的核心思想是將聯(lián)想、渠道看作一個整體,面向客戶做一體化的設(shè)計,清晰角色定位與分工,加強互動,提高整體運作效率。 (二) 聯(lián)想的最大的問題是定位,關(guān)鍵是核心戰(zhàn)略制定和實施,不是“炒概念”。對于依靠對市場的深刻了解和強大的行銷能力成功的戴爾來說,核心技術(shù)的缺乏才是制約戴爾發(fā)展的最大障礙。 (三) 企業(yè)須擺脫以產(chǎn)品為導(dǎo)向的經(jīng)營理念,而致力于為客戶提供超價值“客戶體驗”。只有讓客戶在獲取、使用產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的全過程中都感到一種方便和愉快,給予客戶超出他們預(yù)期的價值,才是企業(yè)通向成功的不二法門。 (四) 企業(yè)文化的“蝴蝶效應(yīng)”和聯(lián)想人力資源的“項鏈理論”,都潛移默化影響公司的營銷決策順利執(zhí)行,值得企業(yè)反思和借鑒。 企業(yè)制定新的營銷策略需要自身的特點和產(chǎn)業(yè)化發(fā)展環(huán)境相結(jié)合,不斷改革創(chuàng)新,才能不斷發(fā)展!只有擁有知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的核心技術(shù)和核心競爭力的企業(yè)才能基業(yè)常青,所以未來誰贏誰輸難以定論!
[Abstract]:This paper attempts to use management knowledge, combined with my actual experience in Lenovo and Dell, to collect and consult a large number of up-to-date, accurate and objective information, from the enterprise development strategy, market, channels, products and service corporate culture, Human resources and other aspects of Dell and Lenovo analysis of marketing strategies. Lenovo and Dell are renowned computer equipment and service providers and two big competitors in the IT industry. According to the characteristics of IT industry, this paper begins with the analysis of the competitive environment in the field of IT research, and analyzes the competitive environment by using the SWOT analysis method, 4P theory, combined with channel strategy, product, price and advertising combination analysis, etc. To determine the core competitiveness and key competitive factors of the two companies, and to study the new marketing development strategies of both companies, Draw the following conclusions: (1) "Dell model": direct sales is fundamental, direct sales is superficial! Focus on providing the best customer experience, the essence of the supply chain management system from parts manufacturing to integrated factories to customers. Lenovo's success is the distribution channel system! The "big Lenovo partner system" has gone through two stages of "agency distribution" and "close distribution", and is stepping into the third stage of "integrated distribution". The core idea of "integrated distribution" is to consider Lenovo and channels as a whole. Customer-oriented integrated design, clear role positioning and division of labor, enhance interaction, improve overall operational efficiency. Second, Lenovo's biggest problem is positioning, the key is the core strategy formulation and implementation, not "speculation concept." For Dell, which depends on deep understanding of market and strong marketing ability, the lack of core technology is the biggest obstacle to Dell's development. (3) Enterprises should move away from product-oriented business philosophy and focus on providing customers with super-value customer experience. Only by allowing customers to feel a kind of convenience and pleasure in the whole process of acquiring, using products or services, giving customers more value than they expected is the only way for enterprises to succeed. (4) the "butterfly effect" of corporate culture and the "necklace theory" of Lenovo's human resources have a subtle influence on the smooth implementation of marketing decisions of the company, which is worthy of reflection and reference by enterprises. The enterprise formulates the new marketing strategy to need own characteristic and the industrialization development environment unifies, unceasingly reforms the innovation, can develop unceasingly! Only with the core technology of intellectual property and core competitiveness of the enterprise can be based on evergreen, so who wins or loses in the future is inconclusive!


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 崔陽;聯(lián)想集團網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷研究[D];黑龍江大學(xué);2012年




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