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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-08 12:07
【摘要】:當(dāng)今社會,隨著生活水平的提高,人們的消費觀念正在逐漸發(fā)生變化。在購買商品時,人們越來越重視商品外觀和造型的藝術(shù)性。所以眾多生產(chǎn)企業(yè)為了提高產(chǎn)品在市場中的競爭力,已經(jīng)開始大力發(fā)展產(chǎn)品的藝術(shù)設(shè)計創(chuàng)新。藝術(shù)設(shè)計工作中很大一部分工作是藝術(shù)圖案設(shè)計,把分形理論與計算機圖形相結(jié)合,可以通過簡單的迭代公式生成大量優(yōu)美、復(fù)雜的分形圖案,十分適用于藝術(shù)圖案的輔助設(shè)計。應(yīng)用分形理論所生成的圖案可應(yīng)用于廣告設(shè)計、服裝設(shè)計、包裝設(shè)計等眾多領(lǐng)域,具有廣闊的應(yīng)用前景。 本文首先系統(tǒng)地歸納了分形圖案的各種生成方法,并對一些方法進行了改進和擴展,為進一步提出分形藝術(shù)團的設(shè)計方法奠定了基礎(chǔ);其次結(jié)合圖案著色和特效處理思想提出了一種分形藝術(shù)圖案設(shè)計方法,并設(shè)計了多種圖案調(diào)節(jié)方案、著色方案和特效處理方案;然后基于牛頓迭代法生成分形圖形原理設(shè)計了P-DQDA算法和在牛頓迭代過程中嵌入控制參數(shù)的方法,從而加快了分形圖形的生成速度,增強了分形圖形的操控性,豐富了分形圖形資源庫;最后基于新提出的P-DQDA算法和嵌入控制參數(shù)的方法實現(xiàn)了一款操作簡單但不失功能的分形藝術(shù)圖案設(shè)計系統(tǒng),使不太了解分形理論的設(shè)計者只需通過簡單的參數(shù)調(diào)整和方案選擇即可根據(jù)分形原理生成符合要求的分形藝術(shù)圖案。 本文的創(chuàng)新之處在于提出了基于牛頓迭代法的P-DQDA算法,以及在迭代過程中嵌入控制參數(shù)的方法,并結(jié)合圖案著色和特效處理思想實現(xiàn)了一款操作簡單但不失功能的分形藝術(shù)圖案設(shè)計系統(tǒng)。本文的研究成果對分形藝術(shù)圖案的創(chuàng)作提供了理論基礎(chǔ),為藝術(shù)圖案設(shè)計者提供了高效、方便的支持環(huán)境。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the improvement of living standard, people's consumption concept is changing gradually. When buying goods, people pay more and more attention to the artistry of the appearance and shape of goods. Therefore, in order to improve the competitiveness of products in the market, many production enterprises have begun to vigorously develop the artistic design innovation of products. A large part of the work of art design is the design of art patterns. Combining fractal theory with computer graphics, a large number of beautiful and complex fractal patterns can be generated through simple iterative formulas. Very suitable for the art design of the auxiliary design. The pattern generated by fractal theory can be used in many fields, such as advertisement design, clothing design, packaging design and so on. In this paper, various methods of fractal pattern generation are summarized systematically, and some methods are improved and extended, which lays a foundation for further putting forward the design method of fractal art group. Secondly, combining the idea of pattern coloring and special effect processing, a fractal art pattern design method is put forward, and a variety of pattern adjustment schemes, coloring schemes and special effects processing schemes are designed. Then, based on the principle of Newton iteration method to generate fractal graphics, the P-DQDA algorithm and the method of embedding control parameters in Newton iteration process are designed, which accelerates the generation speed of fractal graphics and enhances the maneuverability of fractal graphics. Finally, based on the newly proposed P-DQDA algorithm and the method of embedding control parameters, a fractal art pattern design system with simple operation and no loss of function is implemented. The designers who do not understand the fractal theory can generate fractal art patterns according to the fractal principle by simply adjusting the parameters and selecting the scheme. The innovation of this paper lies in the P-DQDA algorithm based on Newton iteration method and the method of embedding control parameters in the iterative process. Combining the idea of pattern coloring and special effect processing, a fractal art pattern design system with simple operation but no loss of function is implemented. The research results of this paper provide a theoretical basis for the creation of fractal art patterns, and provide an efficient and convenient supporting environment for the designers of art patterns.


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8 周e,




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