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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-30 16:01
【摘要】:進(jìn)入新世紀(jì)以后,軍事題材電視劇在熒屏上層出不窮,受到觀眾的一致好評(píng)。近幾年來(lái),軍事題材電視劇占領(lǐng)了其他題材電視劇的半壁江山,形成了一個(gè)持續(xù)熱播的現(xiàn)象,同時(shí)也有許多具有代表性的優(yōu)秀作品展現(xiàn)在世人眼前。本文在社會(huì)文化轉(zhuǎn)型的大背景下,從軍事題材電視劇的概念入手,,用理論探索、文本分析和個(gè)案考察的方法,同時(shí)結(jié)合具體的作品和現(xiàn)象,來(lái)研究新世紀(jì)后軍事題材電視劇在熒屏上出現(xiàn)熱播現(xiàn)象,分析其形成的原因,指出熱播背后存在的問(wèn)題及對(duì)未來(lái)軍事題材電視劇的展望。 第一部分從軍事題材電視劇的概念入手,通過(guò)之前學(xué)者的說(shuō)法和融入自己的理解來(lái)總結(jié)其定義,想要透徹的研究軍事題材電視劇必須要從最根本的概念為切入點(diǎn),在新世紀(jì)軍事題材電視劇陣容的不斷擴(kuò)大趨勢(shì)下,總結(jié)它的發(fā)展特點(diǎn),也為后面分析持續(xù)熱播的原因奠定了理論基礎(chǔ)。 第二部分主要論述了軍事題材電視劇的類型與形象塑造,從年代上進(jìn)行劃分,軍事題材電視劇主要分成近代軍事類、現(xiàn)代軍事類和當(dāng)代軍事類。通過(guò)具體作品里人物的刻畫(huà)手法,來(lái)闡述與傳統(tǒng)時(shí)期相比形象上的創(chuàng)新與變化。 第三部分講新世紀(jì)以來(lái),軍事題材電視劇盡顯熒屏,深得人心,分析這種繁榮和熱播的景象必將探討這景象背后的原因所在。本文分別從文化形式、創(chuàng)作模式、網(wǎng)絡(luò)推介和審查制度上進(jìn)行了研究,并結(jié)合近幾年熱播的典型電視劇展開(kāi)分析。在文化轉(zhuǎn)型的背景下,軍事題材電視劇占據(jù)半壁江山,其原因并不是單純迎合了觀眾的審美傾向,在客觀文化轉(zhuǎn)型的大背景下,主觀能動(dòng)性也影響其發(fā)展和地位。 第四部分主要是通過(guò)幾部膾炙人口的典型電視劇的研究分析,總結(jié)出軍事題材電視劇在渡過(guò)沉淀期之后的藝術(shù)成就,文化轉(zhuǎn)型后的軍事題材電視劇具有了自己獨(dú)特的藝術(shù)特征,在故事情節(jié)和刻畫(huà)主人公形象上有了新的突破,打造了與以往軍事題材電視劇敘事模式的新變,體現(xiàn)其優(yōu)勢(shì)所在。為以后此類題材電視劇的創(chuàng)作提供了基礎(chǔ)。 第五部分主要是闡述了軍事題材電視劇熱播背后存在的一些問(wèn)題,以及未來(lái)的發(fā)展方向。對(duì)存在問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)的梳理,明確了軍事題材電視劇在未來(lái)發(fā)展中所以面臨的問(wèn)題,在創(chuàng)作中視角應(yīng)該有所轉(zhuǎn)變,從而使題材多元化。對(duì)穩(wěn)步發(fā)展的軍事題材電視提出合理的建議和期望。
[Abstract]:After entering the new century, military TV dramas appear endlessly on the screen and are praised by the audience. In recent years, military TV dramas have occupied half of the other TV dramas, forming a phenomenon of continuous popularity, and at the same time, there are many representative excellent works in front of the world. Under the background of the social and cultural transformation, this paper starts with the concept of military TV series, uses the methods of theoretical exploration, text analysis and case study, and combines the concrete works and phenomena. In order to study the phenomenon of military TV series on the screen after the new century, analyze the reasons of its formation, point out the problems behind the popular TV series and the prospect of future military TV dramas. The first part begins with the concept of military TV series, summarizes its definition through the previous scholars' statements and their own understanding, and wants to thoroughly study the military TV series must start from the most fundamental concept as the breakthrough point. Under the expanding trend of the military TV series in the new century, the characteristics of its development are summarized, which lays a theoretical foundation for the analysis of the reasons for the continuous popularity of TV dramas. The second part mainly discusses the types and image shaping of military TV dramas, which are divided into modern military, modern military and contemporary military. Through the description of the characters in the concrete works, this paper expounds the innovation and change of the image compared with the traditional period. The third part is about the new century, military TV dramas show screen, popular, analysis of the prosperity and popularity of the scene will explore the reasons behind the scene. This paper studies the cultural form, the creation mode, the network promotion and the censorship system, and analyzes the typical TV series which are popular in recent years. Under the background of cultural transformation, military TV dramas occupy half of the country, the reason is not simply to cater to the aesthetic tendency of the audience, in the background of the objective cultural transformation, subjective initiative also affects its development and status. The fourth part is mainly through the research and analysis of several popular typical TV dramas, summed up the military TV series after the precipitation period of artistic achievements, after the cultural transformation of the military drama has its own unique artistic characteristics. There is a new breakthrough in the story plot and the portrayal of the protagonist image, which makes a new change with the former military TV drama narrative mode, and embodies its advantages. It provides the foundation for the creation of this kind of TV drama in the future. The fifth part mainly expounds some problems behind the popular military TV series and the future development direction. This paper systematically combs the existing problems, clarifies the problems that the military TV series will face in the future development, and changes the visual angle in the creation so as to make the subjects diversified. Put forward reasonable suggestions and expectations for the steady development of military TV.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前8條

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