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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-18 04:30
[Abstract]:As a mirror reflecting the existence and development of urban men and women, Chinese urban comedy films in the new century are closely related to the aesthetic and spiritual situation of modern people. At the same time, with the development of the times, it obviously presents a new phenomenon different from the past. Therefore, this paper starts with the Chinese urban comedy film in the new century, and focuses on the setting and solving of the dilemma in the narration of the relevant films. Dilemma is a situation in which the protagonist's life balance is deliberately broken and his desire goal is restricted in the film narration. The study found that these dilemmas are of gender color: the dilemma faced by different gender protagonists is different on the level of drama conflict, and the obstacles in the process of the characters' achievement of drama purposes are also different, and the ways to solve them are also quite different. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the social and cultural psychology behind the narrative strategy with gender color in the analysis of specific films, to analyze the symptoms of the times and to deepen our understanding of our own spirit and existing situation. This paper finds that, from the history of the development of comedy films, urban comedy in the new century has improved the consciousness and sensitivity of gender consciousness, but its stylized narrative strategy reflects the deconstruction of traditional gender concepts in today's society. Reconstructing the complexity of bisexual temperament. First of all, the film is based on the traditional gender stereotype, for example, the conflict between man and society and the inner conflict. What women face is the conflict between women and men. Secondly, the protagonist broke through the predicament and got a happy ending, but few of them really realized self-reconstruction. Although the consciousness of the subject of both sexes in the predicament has jumped out of the traditional barriers to a certain extent, most men and women still face the confusion of "self" and are anxious because of the influence of the male-centered consciousness and the mass culture of the consumption era. A state of confusion. Comedy strategy creates an atmosphere of relaxed humor, which obscures the evasive psychology and conservative attitude of the film in dealing with the predicament, and gender discourse is again quietly returned to the patriarchal discourse system. Finally, the value judgment, cultural concept and gender cognition in these comedies will influence the audience, and their narrative strategies and forms of expression will also have an impact on the contemporary creation of the same type. Therefore, in order to realize the objective and equal perspective to examine the differences between sexes, to recognize the value of their own lives and to reconstruct their healthy gender temperament, the future development of urban comedy films in the new century has a long way to go.


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