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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-18 04:04
【摘要】:自19世紀電影誕生至今,電影已經(jīng)從不被觀眾認識與接收到成為觀眾在生活中必不可少的一部分。在這一個多世紀的歷史長河中,,電影在內(nèi)容、形式、風格和表現(xiàn)方式等方面發(fā)生了巨大的變化。其中,表現(xiàn)主義電影作為電影整體變革歷程中的一部分不容忽視。隨著表現(xiàn)主義文化思潮的興起和傳播,表現(xiàn)主義電影也異軍突起,并構建了自身獨特的美學體系。在電影風潮的不斷演變中,表現(xiàn)主義電影除彰顯其獨特的美學品格外對眾多電影類型和表現(xiàn)方式都產(chǎn)生的深遠的影響。同時,表現(xiàn)主義電影因其獨特的美學意蘊將人性和社會邊緣性話題得以詮釋,成為當時社會形勢下人們悲觀情緒和消極思想的反映,是發(fā)自內(nèi)心的恐慌和焦慮情緒的呼號,是對社會問題不滿和反抗意識的再現(xiàn)。因此表現(xiàn)主義電影將電影的深層意義得以展現(xiàn),既電影已不單單是大眾的娛樂品和消費品,更是人類本性和社會現(xiàn)象的隱喻。本文就表現(xiàn)主義電影的美學品質(zhì)進行研究,總結了其表現(xiàn)方式為非常規(guī)敘事方式,虛幻的時空構建和詭秘的鏡像運用。 全文主要借助西方表現(xiàn)主義文化理論,并通過宏觀審視與微觀探討、邏輯分析與實證分析等研究方法的指引,仔細分析了表現(xiàn)主義電影產(chǎn)生的文化語境并對其大致發(fā)展歷程進行梳理。從表現(xiàn)主義的起源、發(fā)展、演變及在當今電影中的展現(xiàn),分析了表現(xiàn)主義電影的美學品格,并整理了表現(xiàn)主義電影影響下的眾多電影類別和表現(xiàn)方式。最后,結合具體的影視文本及表現(xiàn)特征闡明了當代中國電影藝術的表現(xiàn)性,展望了表現(xiàn)主義電影的表現(xiàn)方式在我國乃至世界電影主題意蘊的準確的闡釋作用,并對其美學前景進行了前瞻。
[Abstract]:Since the birth of film in the 19th century, film has never been recognized and received by the audience as an indispensable part of the audience's life. In the long history of more than a century, great changes have taken place in the content, form, style and expression of the film. Among them, expressionism film as a part of the whole film reform process can not be ignored. With the rise and spread of Expressionist cultural thoughts, Expressionist movies have emerged and constructed their own unique aesthetic system. In the constant evolution of film trends, Expressionism film, in addition to highlighting its unique aesthetic products, has a profound impact on many film types and ways of expression. At the same time, the expressionist film, because of its unique aesthetic implication, interprets the topic of human nature and social marginalization, and becomes a reflection of people's pessimism and negative thoughts under the social situation at that time. It is a cry of panic and anxiety from the heart. It is the reappearance of discontent and resistance consciousness to social problems. Therefore, expressionist films reveal the deep meaning of films, which is not only the entertainment and consumer goods of the masses, but also the metaphor of human nature and social phenomena. This paper studies the aesthetic quality of Expressionism film, and summarizes the unconventional narrative mode, the illusory space-time construction and the mysterious mirror image application. The full text mainly relies on the western expressionism culture theory, and through the macroscopic examination and the microscopic discussion, the logic analysis and the demonstration analysis and so on research method guidance, This paper carefully analyzes the cultural context of Expressionism film and combs its development. This paper analyzes the aesthetic character of expressionist films from the origin, development, evolution and display in today's films, and arranges the various categories and ways of expression under the influence of Expressionist movies. Finally, the paper expounds the expressiveness of contemporary Chinese film art in combination with the specific film texts and performance characteristics, and looks forward to the accurate interpretation of the expressive mode of the expressionist film in our country and even in the world as well as in the world. And the prospect of its aesthetics is forecasted.


相關期刊論文 前3條

1 蘇珊·海瓦德 ,侯克明 ,鐘靜寧;電影學關鍵詞[J];電影藝術;2003年03期

2 蘇珊·海瓦德 ,侯克明 ,鐘靜寧;電影學關鍵詞 恐怖片[J];電影藝術;2003年04期

3 蔡圣勤;從表現(xiàn)主義形式看審美與道德欣賞的碰撞[J];湖北社會科學;2004年11期

相關碩士學位論文 前2條

1 管紅星;美國當代恐怖電影敘事研究[D];南京師范大學;2002年

2 安利敏;希區(qū)柯克鏡頭中的弗洛伊德[D];上海師范大學;2008年




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