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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-09 09:41

  本文選題:人格塑造 切入點(diǎn):核心價(jià)值觀 出處:《教育探索》2016年06期

[Abstract]:Culture and values are the root and soul of the shaping of citizen's personality.Under the background of globalization, the shaping of individual personality of Chinese citizens is faced with the following three circumstances: first, to adhere to the traditional ethical personality, which does not adapt to the development requirements of modern society; second, to emphasize one-sided the narrow individualism in the West.The personality characteristic of hedonism deviates from the goal of free and all-round development, and the third one is to conform to the development trend of society and realize the transformation from traditional personality to modern personality.To guide the shaping of citizen's personality with socialist core values, we should start from two aspects: one is to raise the value identity, and the other is to make ideal personality become the persistent pursuit and belief of the citizen, the second is to improve the effect of practice.Gradually realize the qualitative and stereotyped personality.
【作者單位】: 南京師范大學(xué)馬克思主義學(xué)院;


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