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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-06 06:21

  本文選題:太行精神 切入點(diǎn):思想淵源 出處:《山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The spirit of Taihang is a kind of cultural spirit formed in the Taihang Mountain base area opened up by the Communist Party of China during the Anti-Japanese War. Inspired by this spirit, the Communist Party of China led Taihang's sons and daughters and the people's army to fight against the enemy during the Anti-Japanese War.During the War of Liberation, fighting the Kuomintang valiantly, the Chinese revolution sparkled and started a prairie fire in the motherland.Become the Chinese Communist Party and the valuable spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation.It is of great significance to study and carry forward the spirit of Taihang in the new period for strengthening the Party building, deepening the reform in an all-round way and building the socialist core values.In this paper, the old cadres and residents in Taihang area are investigated, the historical documents are consulted, and the connotation of Taihang spirit is combed out.The spirit of Taihang is a crucial moment for the country and nation to live or die. The revolutionary heroism shown by the Party in leading Taihang's military and civilian activities, which is not afraid of hardship and danger and is not afraid of sacrifice, is a combination of twists and turns displayed in extremely difficult circumstances.The spirit of hard struggle is the spirit of unity for the liberation of the nation, the spirit of daring to win, the spirit of heroic struggle and selfless dedication revealed for the fundamental interests of the people.Taihang spirit is one of the manifestations of Shanxi spirit in history. Its common ground with other spirits in Shanxi is self-reliance, hard struggle and perseverance, and the difference is that it is not afraid of hardship and danger.Its characteristic is surpassing the advance of history, the nationality of region and the practicality of theory.The value of Taihang Spirit in the contemporary era reflects the core values of socialism in China, enriches the theory of socialist spiritual civilization construction, enriches the theory of the construction of the Communist Party of China, and from the perspective of practical value,The first is to strengthen the Party members' sense of purpose and close the blood and flesh ties between the Party and the masses of the people, the second is to promote party building, and to require Communists to keep in line with the Party Central Committee in their thoughts and actions; and third, to promote the comprehensive and deepening reform in our country.To handle all kinds of interests well, we should have a patriotic spirit of not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice when it comes to conflicts with the long-term interests of the country and the interests of the people. Fourth, we should promote a strong cultural province in Shanxi Province.Taihang Red Culture is an important part of Shanxi Province.


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