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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-06 02:23

  本文關鍵詞: 安樂死 刑法 制度構建 出處:《國際關系學院》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:Euthanasia is not a new problem, but it is a multidisciplinary issue, and although the discussion and research on this issue has been going on for a long time, However, most of the domestic studies on this issue are limited to the introduction of existing theories and experiences and the analysis of whether euthanasia should be legalized and the possible consequences of its legalization. Lack of research on the specific legislative construction of the criminal liability caused by euthanasia. This has resulted in an awkward situation in the judicial practice in the face of more and more such cases. It is urgent for our country to construct the specific legal system of euthanasia, so it is of great significance to discuss the construction of euthanasia system in our criminal law. The classification of euthanasia into active euthanasia and passive euthanasia is also existed in criminal jurisprudence. Comparison and discussion on the connotation and determination of euthanasia in China from the standpoint of different disciplines especially from the standpoint of Criminal Law. Through the theoretical analysis of the typical cases of euthanasia in China in recent years, It is found that the judgment of euthanasia cases in our country at the present stage is unable to be relied upon and the judgment standard is inconsistent. In many related cases, the court found the parties guilty of intentional homicide at the same time when they were convicted. In terms of sentencing, these cases have been subject to reduced legal penalties, and most of them have been suspended. It is too far-fetched to deal with such cases with the legal provisions of intentional homicide. At the same time, the absence of a law specifically prescribing euthanasia may be used as an excuse for committing crimes such as intentional homicide. In the Netherlands, Belgium has introduced a special euthanasia act. At the same time, the United States has also passed legal precedents to regulate passive euthanasia. The "Peace and palliative Medical regulations" in Taiwan also provide for passive euthanasia. The thought of constructing a representative euthanasia system outside China has a strong significance for reference in our country. Including: strictly restricting the objects and perpetrators of euthanasia, strictly restricting the purpose of euthanasia, and strictly restricting the approval and supervision procedures for euthanasia. The euthanasia system in the criminal law of our country has its urgency and necessity. In the aspect of criminal law, there are two aspects: one is to add active euthanasia after the provisions of the 20th and 21st articles of the Criminal Law for justifiable defense and emergency avoidance, so that it becomes a new reason of exemption from liability alongside legitimate defense and emergency avoidance; Second, to add a crime clause to the crime of intentional homicide in Article 232 of the Criminal Law, that is, the act of actively euthanasia ending the life of another person on the premise that the personnel and procedure are in accordance with the law does not constitute the crime of intentional homicide. It is necessary to design specific supporting systems from the aspects of euthanasia objects, implementers, implementation process, supervision and so on through other legal norms. At the same time, while maintaining the smooth structure of the existing articles of criminal law, Get rid of our country euthanasia can not rely on the embarrassing situation.


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