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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-23 15:11

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 韋拔群 革命價(jià)值觀 黨員干部教育 教育功能 出處:《廣西大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The Chinese revolutionary spirit, which is represented by Wei Baqun's revolutionary values, is the supreme emotion of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs, which condenses into the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. Party members and cadres are leaders who unite and lead the people to strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and train and educate party members and cadres. It has become an inherent requirement for enhancing the party's creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness. Wei Baqun's "pursuit of truth, perseverance, concern for the masses, determination for the people, firm faith, loyalty to the party, and consideration of the overall situation." The revolutionary values of selfless dedication "are integrated into the education system of the advanced nature and pure construction of party members and cadres, which is in line with the needs of the times of reform, opening up and modernization construction of our country." It is also the inevitable requirement to deal with the global ideological and cultural exchange, blending and challenge with the characteristics of concealment, permeability and long-term. This paper first analyzes the theoretical basis of the formation of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values. The background of the times and its influence, Marxist classic writers for the people, practice, dedication of the revolutionary values theory and ideological and political education function theory is the theoretical basis of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values formation; The pressure of "three big mountains" in politics, the invasion of capitalist commodity economy in economy and the spread of Marxism in ideology and culture are the background of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values. In addition, the influence of the traditional culture of Zhuang nationality, the experience of traveling life and revolutionary practice also affect the formation and development of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values to varying degrees. Secondly. This paper examines the formation and development of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values in three historical periods, namely, the period from 1907 to 1913 during which Wei Baqun entered school to receive education. From 1914 to 1923, Wei Baqun took part in the revolutionary practice and became a democratic revolutionary. From 1924 to 1932, Wei Baqun entered the Guangzhou Agricultural Institute to study the theory of Marxism and became a communist soldier. Period. In the end, it was based on the pursuit of truth and perseverance, with the masses in mind and the people as the core, with firm faith, loyalty to the party as the pillar, and taking into account the overall situation. Selfless dedication as the highest level of Wei Baqun revolutionary values theoretical system. Thirdly, the scope of the study is limited to the Guangxi region, through the collection of materials. This paper analyzes on the current situation of Wei Baqun's values in the education of party members and cadres in Guangxi. It concludes that the education of party members and cadres in Guangxi is in theory education and party spirit education, and widens the training carrier. Great achievements have been made in the innovation and sharing mode and the development of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values educational resources, but there is still a disconnection between the teaching content and reality, the teaching method is dull and the teaching ability is not high. Party members and cadres of the understanding of educational problems, mainly because of the lack of party school supervision system, the party school itself is not perfect enough to explore Wei Baqun's revolutionary values of educational resources. Finally. This paper analyzes the relationship between the revolutionary values of Wei Baqun and the education of Party members and cadres, and expounds the functions of encouraging, condensing, guiding and purifying of the revolutionary values of Wei Baqun to the education of party members and cadres. This paper discusses the effective ways to realize the educational function of Wei Baqun's revolutionary values.


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