發(fā)布時(shí)間:2025-02-05 11:12
【文章頁數(shù)】:259 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Rationale for the Study
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Emotion in Interaction
2.2.1 Emotion
2.2.2 Emotion and Social Actions
2.3 Studies of Empathy in Psychology
2.3.1 Empathy and Sympathy
2.3.2 Historical Development of Empathy
2.3.3 The Nature and Features of Empathy
2.3.4 Phrases of Empathy
2.4 Studies of Empathy in Other Main Disciplines
2.4.1 Empathy in Nursing
2.4.2 Empathy in Medicine
2.4.3 Empathy in Linguistics
2.5 Conversation Analysis as an Analytical Approach to Empathy in Institutional Interaction
2.5.1 Conversation Analysis
2.5.2 Conversation Analysis and Institutional Interaction
2.5.3 Conversation Analysis and Empathy in Institutional Interaction
2.6 Research Gaps and Questions
2.7 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Considerations and Analytical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Politeness and Rapport Management
3.3 Rapport Management Theory
3.4 Components of Rapport Management
3.4.1 Behavioral Expectations
3.4.2 Face Sensitivities
3.4.3 Interactional Goals
3.5 Rapport Orientation
3.6 Rapport Management Strategy Domains
3.7 Three Fundamental Structures of Conversation Analysis
3.7.1 Turn Taking
3.7.2 Sequence Organizatin
3.7.3 Repair
3.8 The Analytical Framework for This Study
3.9 Summary
Chapter Four Methodology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Source and Data Collection
4.3 Selecting Target Instances
4.4 Data Transcription and Analytical Procedures
4.5 Data Analysis
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Rapport Orientation in Empathy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overall Distribution of Face-related Acts of Empathy
5.3 Face-enhancing Acts of Empathy
5.4 Face-neglecting Acts of Empathy
5.5 Face-threatening Acts of Empathy
5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Interactional Practices in Therapists' Empathie Responses to Clients' Troubles Telling
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Overall Distribution of Interactional Practices for Achieving Empathy
6.3 Interactional Practices for Achieving Empathy
6.3.1 Partaking in Clients' Feelings or Thoughts(PCFT)
6.3.2 Offering Comfort(OC)
6.3.3 Sharing the Same Experience as the Client(SSEC)
6.3.4 Formulating the Gist of Clients' Troubles Telling(FGCTT)
6.3.5 Formulating the Upshot of the Reported Problem(FURP)
6.3.6 Offering an Empathic Diagnosis(OED)
6.3.7 Offering a Candidate Method for Solving the Reported Problem(OCMSRP)
6.3.8 Elaborating on the Client's Reported Problem(ECRP)
6.3.9 Making a Positive Assessment of the Client's Action(MPACA)
6.3.10 Downgrading Their Epistemic Rights to Clients' Troubled Experience (DTERCTE)
6.4 Interactional Practices and Rapport Management
6.4.1 Interational Practices and Behavioral Expectations
6.4.2 Interactional Practices and Face Sensitivities
6.4.3 Ineractional Practices and Interactional Wants
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Sequential Organization of Therapist's Empathic Responses to Client's Troubles Telling in Psychotherapy
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Sequential Organization of the Empathic Sequence
7.2.1 Four-part Structure of the Empathic Sequence
7.2.2 Adjacency Pairs in the Empathic Sequence
7.2.3 Pre-expansion in the Empathic Sequence
7.2.4 Insert Expansion in the Empathic Sequence
7.2.5 Post-expansion in the Empathic Sequence
7.3 Structure Features of Empathic Sequence
7.3.1 Trouble Elicitation Formats
7.3.2 Client's Troubles Telling
7.3.3 Therapist's Empathy
7.3.4 Client's Response
7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Empathy in Participation and Nonverbal Domain of Rapport Management
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Empathy in the Participation Domain
8.2.1 Turn-taking
8.2.2 Lexical Substitution
8.2.3 Pronoun Use
8.2.4 Intersubjectivity
8.2.5 Empathic Continuers
8.3 Empathy in Non-erbal Domain
8.3.1 Nodding
8.3.2 Eye Contact
8.3.3 Leaning Slightly Forward
8.3.4 Sorrowful Facial Display
8.3.5 Smile
8.4 Summary
Chapter Nine Conclusion
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Major Findings
9.3 Implications for Psychotherapeutic Practices
9.4 Limitations of the Study
9.5 Summary
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
【文章頁數(shù)】:259 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Rationale for the Study
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Emotion in Interaction
2.2.1 Emotion
2.2.2 Emotion and Social Actions
2.3 Studies of Empathy in Psychology
2.3.1 Empathy and Sympathy
2.3.2 Historical Development of Empathy
2.3.3 The Nature and Features of Empathy
2.3.4 Phrases of Empathy
2.4 Studies of Empathy in Other Main Disciplines
2.4.1 Empathy in Nursing
2.4.2 Empathy in Medicine
2.4.3 Empathy in Linguistics
2.5 Conversation Analysis as an Analytical Approach to Empathy in Institutional Interaction
2.5.1 Conversation Analysis
2.5.2 Conversation Analysis and Institutional Interaction
2.5.3 Conversation Analysis and Empathy in Institutional Interaction
2.6 Research Gaps and Questions
2.7 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Considerations and Analytical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Politeness and Rapport Management
3.3 Rapport Management Theory
3.4 Components of Rapport Management
3.4.1 Behavioral Expectations
3.4.2 Face Sensitivities
3.4.3 Interactional Goals
3.5 Rapport Orientation
3.6 Rapport Management Strategy Domains
3.7 Three Fundamental Structures of Conversation Analysis
3.7.1 Turn Taking
3.7.2 Sequence Organizatin
3.7.3 Repair
3.8 The Analytical Framework for This Study
3.9 Summary
Chapter Four Methodology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Source and Data Collection
4.3 Selecting Target Instances
4.4 Data Transcription and Analytical Procedures
4.5 Data Analysis
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Rapport Orientation in Empathy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Overall Distribution of Face-related Acts of Empathy
5.3 Face-enhancing Acts of Empathy
5.4 Face-neglecting Acts of Empathy
5.5 Face-threatening Acts of Empathy
5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Interactional Practices in Therapists' Empathie Responses to Clients' Troubles Telling
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Overall Distribution of Interactional Practices for Achieving Empathy
6.3 Interactional Practices for Achieving Empathy
6.3.1 Partaking in Clients' Feelings or Thoughts(PCFT)
6.3.2 Offering Comfort(OC)
6.3.3 Sharing the Same Experience as the Client(SSEC)
6.3.4 Formulating the Gist of Clients' Troubles Telling(FGCTT)
6.3.5 Formulating the Upshot of the Reported Problem(FURP)
6.3.6 Offering an Empathic Diagnosis(OED)
6.3.7 Offering a Candidate Method for Solving the Reported Problem(OCMSRP)
6.3.8 Elaborating on the Client's Reported Problem(ECRP)
6.3.9 Making a Positive Assessment of the Client's Action(MPACA)
6.3.10 Downgrading Their Epistemic Rights to Clients' Troubled Experience (DTERCTE)
6.4 Interactional Practices and Rapport Management
6.4.1 Interational Practices and Behavioral Expectations
6.4.2 Interactional Practices and Face Sensitivities
6.4.3 Ineractional Practices and Interactional Wants
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Sequential Organization of Therapist's Empathic Responses to Client's Troubles Telling in Psychotherapy
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Sequential Organization of the Empathic Sequence
7.2.1 Four-part Structure of the Empathic Sequence
7.2.2 Adjacency Pairs in the Empathic Sequence
7.2.3 Pre-expansion in the Empathic Sequence
7.2.4 Insert Expansion in the Empathic Sequence
7.2.5 Post-expansion in the Empathic Sequence
7.3 Structure Features of Empathic Sequence
7.3.1 Trouble Elicitation Formats
7.3.2 Client's Troubles Telling
7.3.3 Therapist's Empathy
7.3.4 Client's Response
7.4 Summary
Chapter Eight Empathy in Participation and Nonverbal Domain of Rapport Management
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Empathy in the Participation Domain
8.2.1 Turn-taking
8.2.2 Lexical Substitution
8.2.3 Pronoun Use
8.2.4 Intersubjectivity
8.2.5 Empathic Continuers
8.3 Empathy in Non-erbal Domain
8.3.1 Nodding
8.3.2 Eye Contact
8.3.3 Leaning Slightly Forward
8.3.4 Sorrowful Facial Display
8.3.5 Smile
8.4 Summary
Chapter Nine Conclusion
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Major Findings
9.3 Implications for Psychotherapeutic Practices
9.4 Limitations of the Study
9.5 Summary
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ