
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 交通工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-05 20:06
[Abstract]:If science and technology are the first productive force, then engineering is realistic and direct productivity. At the same time, engineering activities are also the most basic way of human social activities. Human beings not only change the natural environment through engineering activities to provide the necessary material living conditions and foundation for the survival and development of human beings, but also form a certain relationship between people and society in engineering activities. It can be said that engineering includes scientific, technical and social human practical activities. In recent years, with the continuous development of the global super-large projects and the frequent occurrence of all kinds of major emergencies, the "positive and negative effects" produced by the projects have been gradually paid attention to, and have attracted great attention from scholars at home and abroad. Based on the complexity and diversity of engineering activities, the study of sociology is of great theoretical value and practical significance in the view of STS (Science, Technology and Society). Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first modern steel bridge on the Yangtze River. It has high cultural value, historical value and social value. What is more, the quality of the project is excellent, but few engineering problems occur over half a hundred years old. Is the foreseeable future of the "century project". Through combing the construction process of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, this paper briefly analyzes the interaction between the project and various factors of technology, management and society, and tries to discuss the rationalization of engineering construction, from the view of engineering concept and engineering innovation. The general rules of engineering construction are summarized in four aspects of engineering talent training and engineering management.


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