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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-29 11:44
【摘要】:本研究結(jié)合西安市的實際情況,致力于通過分析城市化與老齡化疊加作用下醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生機構(gòu)的交通可達性特征,從考量醫(yī)療機構(gòu)規(guī)劃布局和把握特定人群出行規(guī)律的交叉點上提出理論見解和解決對策,為構(gòu)建以人為本的城市交通系統(tǒng)做出貢獻。 本文以西安市2012年的數(shù)據(jù)為基礎,深入把握其空間分布基本特征。首先,借助潛能模型并以直線距離表征路阻函數(shù)對西安市22個三級甲等醫(yī)院的交通可達性進行了初步分析,得出市內(nèi)45個街區(qū)的現(xiàn)有交通可達性水平。進而引進關懷城市老年人即交通系統(tǒng)中“弱勢群體”的理念,從更好服務大城市老年人群就醫(yī)出行的方向出發(fā),對前述可達性模型的作用機理和約束條件進行改進,對可達性模型做了進一步探討,以老齡化的研究背景和模型機理為約束對模型提出修改建議。其次,在問卷調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)的基礎上,分析老年人就醫(yī)出行的交通方式,得到他們就醫(yī)出行的最主要的交通方式為公共交通,為之后的研究做鋪墊。再次,,構(gòu)建基于老年人群分布及其出行特征的西安市三級甲等醫(yī)院的交通可達性修正模型,通過模型求解西安市45個街區(qū)的老年人群就醫(yī)出行的交通可達性分布圖,從中發(fā)現(xiàn)可達性薄弱的區(qū)域,并分析其成因。最后,針對可達性較低的區(qū)域,進行可達性的改善。從醫(yī)療設施和公交線路兩方面分別規(guī)劃相應的對策,并結(jié)合某醫(yī)院的具體改善措施,證實可達性提升對策的可行性。
[Abstract]:According to the actual situation of Xi'an, this study is devoted to analyzing the characteristics of transportation accessibility of medical and health institutions under the superposition of urbanization and aging. In order to make contribution to the construction of people-oriented urban transportation system, this paper puts forward some theoretical opinions and solutions from the point of view of planning and layout of medical institutions and the intersection point of grasping the travel law of specific people. Based on the data of Xi'an in 2012, this paper deeply grasps the basic characteristics of spatial distribution. Firstly, the traffic accessibility of 22 Grade 3A hospitals in Xi'an is preliminarily analyzed with the potential model and the road resistance function represented by the straight line distance, and the current traffic accessibility level of 45 blocks in the city is obtained. By introducing the idea of caring for the elderly in the city, that is, the "vulnerable group" in the transportation system, and starting from the direction of better service for the elderly in large cities, the mechanism and constraints of the above-mentioned reachability model are improved. In this paper, the reachability model is further discussed, and suggestions for modification of the model are put forward with the background of aging and the mechanism of the model as constraints. Secondly, on the basis of questionnaire survey data, the paper analyzes the transportation mode of medical travel of the elderly, and obtains that the most important mode of transportation for them is public transportation, which will pave the way for the later research. Thirdly, based on the elderly population distribution and travel characteristics of Xi'an Grade 3A Hospital traffic accessibility correction model, through the model to solve Xi'an 45 blocks of elderly people travel to the transport accessibility distribution map, The weak area of accessibility is found and the cause of its formation is analyzed. Finally, we improve the accessibility of the area with low accessibility. The corresponding countermeasures are planned from two aspects of medical facilities and bus routes, and the feasibility of improving the reachability is proved by combining with the concrete improvement measures in a hospital.


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