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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-27 17:13
【摘要】:為了研究硅灰改性瀝青的抗老化性能,本文采用對(duì)比的方法,以抗老化性能較好的多聚磷酸為參照,在基質(zhì)瀝青中分別摻入一定量的硅灰、多聚磷酸,制得硅灰、多聚磷酸改性瀝青,通過旋轉(zhuǎn)薄膜烘箱對(duì)瀝青進(jìn)行短期老化試驗(yàn)來(lái)模擬瀝青的老化過程,研究了老化前后的基質(zhì)瀝青及改性瀝青的基本物理性能和流變性能的變化,并利用紅外光譜分析和電鏡掃描,分析了老化前后的基質(zhì)瀝青及改性瀝青的微觀結(jié)構(gòu)。 研究結(jié)果表明,加入硅灰改變了瀝青的物理性能:瀝青的軟化點(diǎn)升高,老化后的軟化點(diǎn)差值降低,針入度比和延度保留率增加;加入硅灰也改變了瀝青的流變性能:瀝青的車轍因子和復(fù)數(shù)剪切模量增大,相位角減小,老化后硅灰改性瀝青的復(fù)合模量老化指數(shù)較低。硅灰對(duì)瀝青物理性能和流變性能的這些影響均表明,加入硅灰提高了瀝青的抗老化性能。與多聚磷酸改性瀝青比較,,硅灰改性瀝青能以較低廉的改性成本達(dá)到相同的抗老化性能。 紅外光譜分析和掃描電鏡分析結(jié)果揭示了硅灰提高瀝青抗老化性能的機(jī)理在于:加入硅灰使瀝青老化后的羰基指數(shù)減小,以及硅灰能夠較均勻的分散在瀝青中以達(dá)到較好的改善效果。
[Abstract]:In order to study the anti-aging performance of silica fume modified asphalt, the silica fume was prepared by comparison method, using polyphosphoric acid as reference, adding a certain amount of silica fume and polyphosphoric acid into the base asphalt, respectively. The aging process of polyphosphoric acid modified asphalt was simulated by short term aging test in rotary film oven. The basic physical properties and rheological properties of matrix asphalt and modified asphalt before and after aging were studied. The microstructure of matrix asphalt and modified asphalt before and after aging were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the physical properties of asphalt were changed by adding silica fume: the softening point of asphalt increased, the difference of softening point decreased after aging, the penetration ratio and ductility retention rate increased; The rheological properties of asphalt were also changed by adding silica fume: the rutting factor and complex shear modulus of asphalt were increased, the phase angle was decreased, and the aging index of composite modulus of modified asphalt was lower after aging. These effects of silica fume on the physical and rheological properties of asphalt show that the addition of silica fume can improve the aging resistance of asphalt. Compared with polyphosphoric acid modified asphalt, silica fume modified asphalt can achieve the same aging resistance with lower modification cost. The results of infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy show that the mechanism of silica fume to improve the aging resistance of asphalt is that the carbonyl index of asphalt after aging is reduced by adding silica fume. And silica fume can be dispersed in asphalt evenly to achieve better effect.


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