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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-27 12:10
【摘要】:橋梁是高速鐵路的重要組成部分,在橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)用于抵御地震側(cè)向力的體系中,橋墩起著關鍵作用。盡管我國在建設高速鐵路方面已積累了很多的成功經(jīng)驗,但對低配筋高速鐵路橋墩的抗震性能和設計方法等關鍵性問題仍缺乏系統(tǒng)的理論和試驗研究。針對高速鐵路橋墩抗震研究成果缺乏的現(xiàn)狀,本文選取高速鐵路橋梁中常見的圓端形實心橋墩作為研究對象,主要研究工作如下: (1)根據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)動力試驗相似理論設計制作了高速鐵路圓端型實心橋墩模型,進行單向和雙向水平地震作用下的振動臺試驗,試驗結(jié)果表明該橋墩抗震性能良好,截面剛度略有退化;單向水平地震作用下和雙向水平地震作用下對應方向的墩頂加速度和位移響應最大值差別不大。 (2)利用大型通用有限元軟件ABAQUS,選用合適的混凝土、鋼筋本構(gòu)關系,建立振動臺試驗圓端形實心橋墩的仿真模型,進行地震響應動力彈塑性時程分析,并將計算結(jié)果和試驗結(jié)果進行對比分析,驗證了有限元軟件計算的可行性。 (3)考慮縱筋率和配箍率兩個參數(shù),設計一組(10個)圓端形實心橋墩模型,利用有限元軟件ABAQUS進行雙向水平地震作用下的動力彈塑性時程分析,深入分析縱筋率和配箍率對圓端形實心橋墩加速度響應、位移響應、墩底剪力、等效塑性應變、耗能、延性等的影響,并結(jié)合分析結(jié)果提出高速鐵路圓端形實心橋墩合適的抗震設計參數(shù)建議。
[Abstract]:Bridge is an important part of high speed railway. Bridge pier plays a key role in the system of bridge structure used to resist seismic lateral force. Although China has accumulated a lot of successful experiences in the construction of high-speed railway, there is still a lack of systematic theoretical and experimental research on the seismic performance and design method of bridge piers of low-reinforced high-speed railway. In view of the lack of seismic research results of high speed railway pier, this paper selects round end solid pier in high-speed railway bridge as the research object. The main research works are as follows: (1) according to the similarity theory of structural dynamic test, the circular end solid pier model of high-speed railway is designed and made, and the shaking table test is carried out under unidirectional and bidirectional horizontal earthquake. The experimental results show that the pier has good seismic performance and the section stiffness is slightly degraded. Under unidirectional horizontal earthquake and bidirectional horizontal earthquake, the maximum values of acceleration and displacement response of piers in corresponding directions are not different. (2) by using the large-scale universal finite element software ABAQUS, to select suitable concrete and reinforcement constitutive relation, the simulation model of round end solid pier is established, and the dynamic elastoplastic time history analysis of seismic response is carried out. The results are compared with the experimental results, and the feasibility of finite element software is verified. (3) considering the two parameters of longitudinal reinforcement ratio and hoop ratio, a group of (10) round end shaped solid pier models are designed. The dynamic elastic-plastic time-history analysis is carried out by using the finite element software ABAQUS. The effects of longitudinal reinforcement ratio and hoop ratio on acceleration response, displacement response, shear force at pier bottom, equivalent plastic strain, energy dissipation, ductility, etc. Combined with the analysis results, the paper puts forward the appropriate seismic design parameters of round end shaped solid bridge pier in high speed railway.


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