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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-26 12:19
【摘要】:高樁碼頭是國(guó)內(nèi)外港口碼頭常用的結(jié)構(gòu)形式,適用于軟土地基。高樁梁板式碼頭的橫向排架跨度較大,能更好的運(yùn)用樁體承載力,且受力明確,裝配程度高,施工速度快,在國(guó)內(nèi)外得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。 針對(duì)遼濱沿海經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)碼頭所在地較為復(fù)雜的地質(zhì)條件,樁基持力層的選擇需考慮各種因素,同時(shí)需要對(duì)樁基設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)行承載力核算和對(duì)施工情況進(jìn)行追蹤分析。另外,高樁碼頭叉樁扭角的布置,也是高樁碼頭設(shè)計(jì)中的關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)。高樁碼頭要承受較大的水平荷載,而結(jié)構(gòu)本身可以承受水平荷載的能力與碼頭樁基扭角布置有很大的關(guān)系。尋找在不同水平荷載組合作用下,高樁碼頭樁基扭角合理布置方案,可以充分發(fā)揮樁基承載力,且對(duì)結(jié)構(gòu)抗震和耐久使用等有重要意義。 高樁碼頭的系纜墩作為輔助設(shè)施,其結(jié)構(gòu)形式多采用墩臺(tái)形式,主要承受系纜力。系纜墩的樁基布置形式可以有扇形和叉樁形布置等,由于墩臺(tái)尺寸有限,尋求合理的系纜墩樁基布置形式將不僅滿足設(shè)計(jì)需要、減少工程費(fèi)用,在很大程度上給施工帶來(lái)可行性和有效提高施工效率。作為遼濱經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)內(nèi)的首個(gè)液體化工碼頭,該碼頭的樁基建設(shè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)將對(duì)后續(xù)碼頭的建設(shè)起到促進(jìn)和指導(dǎo)的作用。 本文主要工作有: 1、首先根據(jù)地質(zhì)勘查報(bào)告進(jìn)行樁基初步設(shè)計(jì),后結(jié)合試樁結(jié)果確定合理的樁基持力層。通過對(duì)比分析試樁結(jié)果中實(shí)際樁承載力與計(jì)算值的差異,給出單樁承載力的數(shù)值及組成,,并預(yù)測(cè)樁基承載力的變化趨勢(shì)。根據(jù)工程施工經(jīng)驗(yàn),總結(jié)當(dāng)?shù)氐鼗鶙l件下的沉樁特點(diǎn)和需采取的措施。 2、通過建立碼頭標(biāo)準(zhǔn)結(jié)構(gòu)段計(jì)算模型,分析四種工況條件下,不同叉樁扭角對(duì)碼頭結(jié)構(gòu)位移和樁身彎矩的影響?偨Y(jié)碼頭結(jié)構(gòu)橫向荷載和縱向荷載的控制工況,歸納扭角變化帶來(lái)的結(jié)構(gòu)響應(yīng),給出保證滿足樁基承載力且結(jié)構(gòu)位移和彎矩控制在合理范圍內(nèi)的合理叉樁扭角值及其計(jì)算方法。 3、建立系纜墩結(jié)構(gòu)的有限元分析模型,將系纜墩扇形式樁基分布和叉樁式樁基分布模型進(jìn)行對(duì)比,分析不同分布形式下單樁承載力的大小和均勻分布的程度,以及樁基各向位移變化和接觸泥面位置處位移的變化,總結(jié)兩種樁基分布形式的適用情況。并根據(jù)項(xiàng)目具體情況,從技術(shù)、施工條件和綜合經(jīng)濟(jì)效益方面來(lái)分析這兩種樁基分布在本項(xiàng)目區(qū)域的適用性。 4、研究成果已在遼濱沿海經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)碼頭中得到運(yùn)用。通過本文理論研究和計(jì)算分析,結(jié)合工程應(yīng)用,總結(jié)遼濱經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)高樁碼頭樁基持力層、樁基扭角布置和系纜墩樁基布置研究結(jié)論和經(jīng)驗(yàn),分析研究工作的不足和明確今后研究的方向。
[Abstract]:High-pile wharf is a common structure form of port wharf at home and abroad, which is suitable for soft soil foundation. High pile beam plate wharf has a long span and can better use the bearing capacity of pile body, and the force is clear, the assembly degree is high, and the construction speed is fast, so it has been widely used at home and abroad. In view of the complex geological conditions of the docks in the coastal economic zone of Liaobin, various factors should be taken into account in the selection of pile bearing layers. At the same time, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the pile foundation design and to track and analyze the construction situation. In addition, the layout of fork-pile torsion angle of high-pile wharf is also the key point in the design of high-pile wharf. The high pile wharf has to bear a large horizontal load, and the ability of the structure itself to withstand the horizontal load has a great relationship with the arrangement of the torsional angle of the wharf foundation. Under the different horizontal load combination, the reasonable arrangement scheme of pile foundation torsion angle of high pile wharf can give full play to the bearing capacity of pile foundation, and it is of great significance to the seismic resistance and durability of the structure. The mooring pier of high pile wharf is used as auxiliary facility, and its structure is mostly pier and abutment, which mainly bear mooring force. The layout of pile foundation of mooring pier can have sector shape and fork pile shape arrangement. Because of the limited size of pier and abutment, it will not only meet the need of design and reduce the cost of engineering, but also find a reasonable layout form of pile foundation of mooring pier. To a great extent, it brings feasibility to construction and effectively improves construction efficiency. As the first liquid chemical wharf in Liaobin economic zone, the pile foundation construction experience of the wharf will promote and guide the subsequent wharf construction. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. First, the preliminary design of pile foundation is carried out according to the geological exploration report, and then the reasonable bearing layer of pile foundation is determined according to the results of pile test. By comparing and analyzing the difference between the actual pile bearing capacity and the calculated value, the value and composition of the single pile bearing capacity are given, and the variation trend of the pile foundation bearing capacity is predicted. According to the engineering construction experience, the characteristics of piling under local foundation conditions and the measures to be taken are summarized. 2. By establishing the calculation model of standard structure section of wharf, the influence of different forked pile torsion angle on the displacement and bending moment of wharf structure is analyzed under four working conditions. The control conditions of transverse load and longitudinal load of wharf structure are summarized, the structural response caused by the variation of torsional angle is induced, and the reasonable torsional angle value of fork pile and its calculation method are given to ensure that the bearing capacity of pile foundation is satisfied and the structural displacement and bending moment are controlled within a reasonable range. 3. The finite element analysis model of mooring cable pier structure is established, and the distribution model of pile foundation in fan form of mooring cable pier is compared with the distribution model of cross-pile type pile foundation, and the size of bearing capacity and the degree of uniform distribution of bearing capacity of pile issued by different distribution forms are analyzed. The variation of displacement in each direction of pile foundation and the change of displacement at the position of contact mud surface are summarized, and the application of the two kinds of pile foundation distribution forms is summarized. According to the specific conditions of the project, the applicability of the two pile foundations in the project area is analyzed from the aspects of technology, construction conditions and comprehensive economic benefits. 4. The research results have been applied in the dock of Liaoning coastal economic zone. Through theoretical research and calculation analysis in this paper, combined with engineering application, the conclusions and experiences of pile foundation bearing layer, torsional angle arrangement of pile foundation and arrangement of tie-cable pier pile foundation of high pile wharf in Liaobin economic zone are summarized. Analyze the deficiency of research work and clarify the direction of future research.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 許海鋒;;高樁碼頭工程中的樁基平臺(tái)施工技術(shù)分析[J];中國(guó)水運(yùn)(下半月);2012年01期




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