
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 交通工程論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-10-12 14:49
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urban development and the increase of residents' disposable income, the number of cars owned by urban residents continues to increase, and the problem of urban traffic congestion is becoming more and more serious, which leads to the deterioration of human living environment. The radiative radius of regional space in large cities can be as high as tens or even hundreds of kilometers. The continuous expansion of urban space has put forward new requirements for the urban transportation system. The traditional bus travel has been unable to adapt to the long-distance travel requirements of urban residents. Car travel by congested urban traffic restrictions will also be at a loss. The characteristics of high efficiency and low consumption of rail transit make it an effective measure to alleviate the problem of urban traffic congestion, to reduce the carbon emissions of urban traffic, and to improve the living environment of residents. Through the design of Chongqing residents travel choice questionnaire to obtain the actual data, aimed at the impact of urban residents travel choice of micro-factors were comprehensively analyzed. By using the SPSS software to select the factors and the correlation analysis, the significant personal attributes and travel characteristic variables that affect the residents' travel choice are determined. Based on the Logit model and demand elasticity theory of travel mode selection, the paper analyzes the age of travelers by establishing a number of Logit models in order to improve the attraction of rail transit and realize the transportation governance of low-carbon cities. The influence of sex and income level on the light rail travel of Chongqing residents. A cumulative Logit model is established to analyze the choice of transfer time and walking time to rail transit. The model parameters were calibrated based on the established Logit and cumulative Logit models. The model parameters and model fitting tests showed that the model fit degree was good. The occurrence ratio and elastic analysis methods were used to analyze the model results systematically. Finally, based on the field investigation data of Niujiaotuo transfer station of Chongqing rail transit, the present situation of transfer of Niujiaotuo transfer station in Chongqing is analyzed, and the layout and quantity of the facilities in the transfer station are analyzed. Based on the analysis of transfer facility capacity, this chapter analyzes the problems existing in the transfer of railway stations in Chongqing, and according to the problems in Niujiao Tuo transfer corridor of Chongqing Railway Development and Reform Commission [2013] 1872, This paper puts forward some suggestions for optimizing the layout and quantity of facilities in Chongqing Niujiaotuo transfer Station by increasing the platform width, increasing the number of escalators and the width of stairs, and adopting automatic track to shorten the time of transfer and walking. Finally, the improved transfer process is analyzed, and the transfer time is shortened.


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