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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 19:49
【摘要】:集裝化運輸是現(xiàn)代后勤保障的主要運輸方式之一,精密醫(yī)療設(shè)備以及高純度成分血等是應(yīng)對突發(fā)事件、搶險救災(zāi)的重要后勤戰(zhàn)略物資。由于特殊環(huán)境下的運輸所造成的高強度沖擊與振動常常造成設(shè)備損壞、血液失效等故障。本文以精密儀器與設(shè)備的集裝化運輸為研究背景,開展集裝化運輸減振系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)化設(shè)計研究工作,旨在降低戰(zhàn)略物資在集裝化運輸過程中所受的沖擊與振動強度,從而保證重要物資的高效安全運輸。 首先建立集裝箱的有限元模型,并對其進行了模態(tài)分析,得出了100Hz頻率范圍內(nèi)的各階模態(tài)參數(shù)與振型。模態(tài)分析結(jié)果表明,集裝箱的模態(tài)振型主要表現(xiàn)為各蓋板的彎曲振型,而結(jié)構(gòu)框架的八個角點均為振型節(jié)點,且框架梁在20Hz頻率范圍不存在彎曲振型。根據(jù)模態(tài)計算結(jié)果初步確定了減振機構(gòu)的固定點為集裝箱框架的八個角點及框架梁上的輔助支承點。因此集裝箱的彈性體振動就不會通過減振機構(gòu)傳遞到減振箱,從而減小了減振箱的振動。 其次,建立了集裝化運輸減振系統(tǒng)垂向考慮易損件的振動動力學(xué)方程以及垂向、橫向和考慮轉(zhuǎn)動耦合的三自由度系統(tǒng)沖擊動力學(xué)方程。采用四階龍格庫塔法分別討論了系統(tǒng)在自振和半正弦脈沖激勵下的動力學(xué)性能。研究了懸掛角、阻尼比等因素對振動沖擊的影響規(guī)律。結(jié)果表明:自振條件下,減小懸掛角,增大阻尼比,在低頻率比區(qū)域增大質(zhì)量比可抑制易損件加速度響應(yīng);半正弦脈沖激勵下,裝載設(shè)備的質(zhì)心位置應(yīng)盡量與系統(tǒng)幾何中心重合,選擇較小的懸掛角和適當(dāng)增大阻尼比,可以減小系統(tǒng)的沖擊響應(yīng)。 分析了懸掛式減振系統(tǒng)的主要參數(shù)對振動響應(yīng)的影響,得出了影響規(guī)律,并對集裝化運輸減振系統(tǒng)進行了優(yōu)化設(shè)計。以三個方向加速度響應(yīng)均方根值之和為聯(lián)合目標(biāo)函數(shù),以減振箱位移為約束條件對減振系統(tǒng)彈簧剛度、阻尼及彈簧懸掛角進行了優(yōu)化,,得出了最佳的減振機構(gòu)設(shè)計參數(shù)。最后設(shè)計了縮小比例的集裝化減振運輸系統(tǒng),并通過試驗結(jié)果驗證了集裝化減振系統(tǒng)設(shè)計方法及結(jié)果的正確性。
[Abstract]:Container transportation is one of the main transportation modes of modern logistics support. Precision medical equipment and high purity blood are important logistic strategic materials to deal with emergency and rescue. Because of the high intensity shock and vibration caused by the transportation in special environment, equipment damage and blood failure are often caused. In this paper, based on the research background of container transportation of precision instruments and equipment, the optimal design of vibration absorber system of container transportation is carried out in order to reduce the shock and vibration intensity of strategic materials in the course of container transportation. So as to ensure the efficient and safe transportation of important materials. Firstly, the finite element model of the container is established, and the modal analysis is carried out, and the modal parameters and modes of each order in the range of 100Hz frequency are obtained. The modal analysis results show that the modal modes of the container are mainly the bending modes of each cover plate, while the eight corner points of the frame are all modal joints, and there is no bending mode in the 20Hz frequency range of the frame beam. According to the modal calculation results, the fixed point of the vibration absorber is determined as eight corner points of the container frame and the auxiliary supporting point on the frame beam. Therefore, the vibration of the elastic body of the container will not be transmitted to the damping box through the damping mechanism, thus reducing the vibration of the damping box. Secondly, the dynamic equations of vibration and shock dynamics of a three-degree-of-freedom system with vertical, transverse and rotational coupling are established. The dynamic performance of the system under the excitation of natural vibration and half-sine pulse is discussed by using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The influence of suspension angle and damping ratio on vibration shock is studied. The results show that under the condition of natural vibration, decreasing the suspension angle, increasing the damping ratio, increasing the mass ratio in the region of low frequency ratio can restrain the acceleration response of the damaged parts. The position of the mass center of the loading equipment should coincide with the geometric center of the system as far as possible. The impact response of the system can be reduced by selecting a smaller suspension angle and increasing the damping ratio appropriately. The influence of the main parameters of the suspension damping system on the vibration response is analyzed, the influence law is obtained, and the optimum design of the vibration absorption system for the container transportation is carried out. Taking the sum of the root mean square value of the three directions acceleration response as the joint objective function and the displacement of the damping box as the constraint condition, the spring stiffness, damping and spring suspension angle of the damping system are optimized, and the optimum design parameters of the damping mechanism are obtained. Finally, a small proportion of the container vibration reduction and transportation system is designed, and the correctness of the design method and the results of the system are verified by the experimental results.


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