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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-02 02:04

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:信托貸款信用風(fēng)險控制研究 出處:《南京大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 信托 信托貸款 信用風(fēng)險 Logistic模型

[Abstract]:In China, the trust industry is the only way to across the capital market, money market and industrial market of financial industry, with five years China trust industry consolidation and the "two laws regulations" to establish, China trust industry official return to the industry and the rapid development of the trust industry in 2012, the scale of asset management reached second to 7 trillion and 470 billion yuan of financial industry more than insurance become the second bank, and asset management scale compound growth rate of nearly five years, the trust industry is to reach more than 50%. The rapid development of the trust company has aroused widespread concern in society, and its flexible investment, broad areas of investment in the financial field has also been sought after, but in the rapid development at the same time along with the outbreak of the risk of the trust industry worry, trust risk cases have occurred, and in 2013 3 billion at the end of - payment risk is caused by a great deal of attention Finally, although there is no substantial risk of trust, but the trust industry development and risk control has become a need to address the problem of how to control the risk at the same time, the rapid growth in the first time, how to prevent the risk in the implementation of the project has become a huge problem in front of China. And the trust industry trust loan trust company trust projects accounted for the largest in all of the risks in the credit risk is the biggest risk trust loan project security payment, so the research on the credit risk of the trust project also urgent. This paper firstly introduces the development status in the Chinese meaning of trust industry and trust industry, then introduces the research status of domestic and foreign risk premise credit, summarizes the characteristics and features of the development of domestic trust loan trust industry, and introduces the domestic and foreign credit risk measurement using more The model, according to the characteristics of their own Chinese trust industry chose the influence factors of the Logistic model for credit risk China trust industry were analyzed and the Logistic model was introduced to deepen the two terms and cross terms. Finally, on the basis of the model on the selection of the trust company of a 2013 150 trust loan data modeling and empirical verification of the accuracy of the model, finally found that the introduction of the two terms and cross terms of Logistic can significantly improve the accuracy of the model. Finally, according to the model that the influence factors of the trust project credit risk, and to interpret the influence factors, finally the author proposed for credit risk control of trust loan trust the project is given.



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