

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-02 01:07

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:基于博弈的股市主力行為研究 出處:《上海交通大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 股市 博弈 主力 操盤

【摘要】:在我國,A股市場是資本市場的主要組成部分,A股市場的籌資和資源配置功能是否正常實現(xiàn),,將對宏觀經(jīng)濟運作產(chǎn)生很大的影響。研究A股市場中的主力行為,對于理解A股市場的運作規(guī)律,把握股價的波動節(jié)奏,具有非常重要的現(xiàn)實意義。 首先,本文基于博弈角度,通過分析主力與散戶之間的關(guān)系,運用智豬模型來解析市場投資者之間的博弈,最后提出各自的最優(yōu)博弈方案。 然后,本文完整梳理主力操盤過程,將主力操盤過程分為建倉、試盤、洗盤、拉升、出貨、反彈、掃尾等十個階段。并舉實例分析各階段走勢。 最后,本文通過市場公開數(shù)據(jù),對2個典型主力操盤行為,進行了深入的案例分析。對于主力中長線操盤潛能恒信(300191)的過程,通過統(tǒng)計分析十大股東及龍虎榜數(shù)據(jù)信息,揭示主力拉升意圖及行為手法。對于主力中短線操盤冠福家用(002102)的過程,揭示其股價拉升的背后的游資大佬。 綜觀全文,本文從主力行為的角度,解釋了中國股市當前的實際運作方式,打破了傳統(tǒng)理論上股價的波動完全歸因于經(jīng)濟基本面因素變化的觀念。而基于博弈角度的主力行為分析,能更清晰地明確目前市場投資者各自所處的定位,這對其做出更為合理的交易投資決策起到了關(guān)鍵性的作用。
[Abstract]:In China, A stock market is the main part of the capital market, the A stock market financing and resource allocation function is normal, will have a big impact on the macroeconomic operation. The main behavior of the A stock market, the A stock market operation rule understanding, grasp the rhythm of stock price fluctuations, has a very important practical significance.
First of all, based on the game theory, by analyzing the relationship between the main players and the retail investors, we use the porcine model to analyze the game between market investors, and finally propose their optimal game plan.
Then, this paper combs the main trading process, will be the main trading process is divided into Jiancang, test, dish, pulled off shipments, rebound, ten stages. Examples analysis of the various stages of the trend.
Finally, this paper through open market data, typical of the 2 main trading behavior, in-depth case analysis. The main long-term trader Hanson (300191) process, analysis of the ten major shareholders and billboard data information through statistics, reveal the main thrust of intention and behavior way. The main short-term trader Koon Fook home (002102) process, reveals its shares pulled behind the capital heavyweights.
Full text from the perspective of main behavior, explains the actual operation Chinese current stock, breaking the traditional theory on stock price volatility is entirely attributed to the economic fundamentals change concept. And the main behavior analysis based on game theory, can more clearly that the current market investors in the positioning of the to make a key role for the transaction on its reasonable investment decision.



中國期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前10條

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