

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-01 22:01

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:關(guān)于個(gè)體網(wǎng)絡(luò)借貸公司納稅狀況的調(diào)研報(bào)告 出處:《稅務(wù)研究》2017年04期  論文類(lèi)型:期刊論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 個(gè)體網(wǎng)絡(luò)借貸 納稅狀況 調(diào)研

[Abstract]:In recent years, in the context of encouraging and supporting the development of Internet finance, individual network lending (hereinafter referred to as P2P) companies are developing rapidly. There is a great challenge to the existing tax collection and management, which requires us to examine the P2P business from a new perspective. In order to understand the tax situation of P2P companies with different operating modes, and further standardize and improve the tax collection and management of P2P companies, the State Taxation Bureau of Beijing. Beijing Local Taxation Bureau investigated the tax situation of some P2P companies in Beijing, and analyzed the operation mode, tax situation and existing problems of P2P companies under different risk prevention systems. This paper puts forward some suggestions on standardizing and perfecting P2P company policy setting, tax collection and management and supporting mechanism construction.
【正文快照】: 一、個(gè)體網(wǎng)絡(luò)借貸行業(yè)發(fā)展的基本情況(一)P2P行業(yè)的業(yè)務(wù)特點(diǎn)1.P2P公司是為個(gè)體和個(gè)體之間直接借貸提供互聯(lián)網(wǎng)平臺(tái)中介服務(wù)的企業(yè)。按照中國(guó)人民銀行等十個(gè)部門(mén)聯(lián)合印發(fā)的《關(guān)于促進(jìn)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融健康發(fā)展的指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)》(銀發(fā)〔2015〕221號(hào),以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)《指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)》)等相關(guān)規(guī)定,P2P是指




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