

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-02 20:34
【摘要】:地質(zhì)公園具有較高的科研和科普價值、極大的經(jīng)濟價值和豐富的美學價值,地質(zhì)公園經(jīng)過長時間的發(fā)展變化,是人們了解地球和人類自身發(fā)展歷史的基本資源,其獨特的地質(zhì)地貌景觀是欣賞自然美的源泉。近些年來,我國世界地質(zhì)公園和國家地質(zhì)公園的數(shù)量不斷增加,但隨之出現(xiàn)較多問題。地質(zhì)公園經(jīng)濟價值的評估,對保護地質(zhì)公園的生態(tài)環(huán)境和旅游資源,合理開發(fā)和經(jīng)營管理地質(zhì)公園,增強其科普和科研價值,提升其美學價值具有重要意義。本文在實地調(diào)查研究的基礎(chǔ)上,運用EXCEL和SPSS軟件,并結(jié)合基本統(tǒng)計學方法,分析太姥山地質(zhì)公園的客源市場特點,建立價值評估體系,分別運用TCM和CVM對其外在價值和內(nèi)在價值進行評估,并對評估值與實現(xiàn)值差距大的原因做簡要分析,最后提出提升太姥山地質(zhì)公園旅游資源價值的建設(shè)性意見。 首先,本文從空間距離和時間距離角度分析太姥山客源市場特點,將太姥山客源市場分為三個等級。再分別從游客性別、年齡、職業(yè)、受教育程度和個人年收入方面對太姥山游客的社會經(jīng)濟特征進行分析。最后分析了太姥山游客的旅游行為特征。 其次,在調(diào)查問卷基礎(chǔ)上,運用TCM和CVM分別對太姥山地質(zhì)公園旅游資源的利用價值和非利用價值進行評估。太姥山地質(zhì)公園利用價值包括多種,本文僅對其游憩利用價值進行評估,評估結(jié)果為太姥山地質(zhì)公園游客消費總支出為45001.41萬元,消費者剩余為73031.79萬元,游憩利用價值為11.8億元。非利用價值為67.11億元,其中存在價值、遺產(chǎn)價值和選擇價值分別為22.75億元、22.21億元和22.15億元。 最后,分析出非利用價值遠大于利用價值,證明太姥山地質(zhì)公園還有很大的開發(fā)潛力,這些價值潛力之所以未實現(xiàn)原因是太姥山地質(zhì)公園在開發(fā)和管理過程中存在諸多問題,針對這些問題提出價值提升建議。
[Abstract]:Geopark has high scientific research and science popularization value, great economic value and rich aesthetic value. After a long period of development and change, geopark is the basic resource for people to understand the history of the development of the earth and human beings. Its unique geological and geomorphological landscape is the source of appreciation of natural beauty. In recent years, the number of world geopark and national geopark has been increasing, but there are many problems. The evaluation of the economic value of the geopark is of great significance to protect the ecological environment and tourism resources of the geopark, to develop and manage the geopark reasonably, to strengthen its scientific popularization and scientific research value, and to enhance its aesthetic value. On the basis of field investigation and research, using EXCEL and SPSS software, combined with basic statistical method, this paper analyzes the characteristics of tourist market in Taigrushan Geopark, and establishes a value evaluation system. TCM and CVM are used to evaluate the external value and intrinsic value, and the reasons for the gap between the evaluation value and the realized value are analyzed briefly. Finally, some constructive suggestions on how to promote the tourism resource value of Taimaishan Geopark are put forward. Firstly, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Taimushan tourist market from the angle of space distance and time distance, and divides it into three grades. Then it analyzes the social and economic characteristics of tourists from the aspects of sex, age, occupation, education level and personal annual income. Finally, the characteristics of tourism behavior of tourists in Mt. Taimushan are analyzed. Secondly, on the basis of questionnaire, TCM and CVM are used to evaluate the utilization value and non-utilization value of tourism resources in Taimushan Geopark. The utilization value of Taigushan Geopark includes many kinds. This paper only evaluates the value of recreation utilization. The result is that the total expenditure of tourists, the surplus of consumers and the value of recreational utilization are 450.0141 million yuan, 730.3179 million yuan and 1.18 billion yuan respectively. The value of non-utilization is 6.711 billion yuan, of which the value of existence, the value of heritage and the value of selection are 2.275 billion yuan, 2.221 billion yuan and 2.215 billion yuan respectively. Finally, it is analyzed that the value of non-utilization is far greater than the value of utilization, which proves that there is still great potential for exploitation in Taimushan Geopark. The reason why these potential values have not been realized is that there are many problems in the process of development and management of Taigrushan Geopark. To solve these problems, suggestions for value enhancement are put forward.


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