

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-03 08:11
【摘要】:根據(jù)全國乃至全世界生態(tài)旅游的發(fā)展趨勢及人們尊重自然、回歸自然的旅游消費(fèi)心理,在贛州西部三縣發(fā)展生態(tài)旅游有著良好自然條件——23個(gè)各具特色的生態(tài)景區(qū);優(yōu)越的旅游環(huán)境——成熟的贛州旅游品牌(生態(tài)贛州、江西宋城、客家搖籃、紅色故都);廣闊的客源市場——特大型中心城市贛州、四省通衢、輻射臺(tái)港澳;國家和地方有力的政策支持等。贛州西部三縣發(fā)展生態(tài)旅游前景廣闊。 本文通過分析國內(nèi)外生態(tài)旅游發(fā)展趨勢和發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀、生態(tài)旅游資源在國內(nèi)外的研究進(jìn)展情況,闡述了贛州西部三縣發(fā)展生態(tài)旅游的重要意義。介紹了贛州西部三縣中具有代表性23個(gè)生態(tài)景點(diǎn):陡水湖、贛南樹木園、五指峰、贛南森林小鐵路、燕子巖峽谷、上猶大草山、五指峰鳥道、上猶生態(tài)園、西龍佛瀑、上猶梅峰生態(tài)茶園、陽嶺、聶都巖洞群、齊云山、上堡梯田、七星湖、梅關(guān)古驛道、花卉生態(tài)園、河洞溫泉漂流景區(qū)、丫山森林公園、三江口原始森林、雅丹沙漠城、牡丹亭公園等。采用定性與定量的評(píng)價(jià)方法對(duì)贛州西部三縣旅游資源條件進(jìn)行評(píng)價(jià),得出該區(qū)域有五級(jí)資源10個(gè),四級(jí)資源8個(gè),三級(jí)資源5個(gè)?梢,贛州西部三縣生態(tài)旅游資源總體質(zhì)量非常高。其中,崇義陽嶺、上猶陡水湖、大余梅關(guān)古驛道、贛南樹木園等資源特色鮮明、突出,具有很高的旅游開發(fā)價(jià)值,是贛州西部三縣生態(tài)旅游資源的精華。對(duì)贛州西部三縣生態(tài)旅游資源進(jìn)行了綜合評(píng)價(jià),,綜合評(píng)價(jià)得分為91,整體資源達(dá)到五級(jí)資源水平。 本文還對(duì)贛州西部三縣的生態(tài)旅游資源進(jìn)行了旅游概念設(shè)計(jì),將該區(qū)域的生態(tài)旅游資源設(shè)計(jì)為林區(qū)特色城鄉(xiāng)景區(qū)、山林特色景觀區(qū)、地質(zhì)景觀區(qū)、農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)景觀區(qū)、水上娛樂景觀區(qū)、文化生態(tài)景觀區(qū)、養(yǎng)生生態(tài)景觀區(qū)七類景觀特色。 本文通過深度剖析贛州西部的旅游資源狀況、旅游發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀、客源情況及周邊省市縣的生態(tài)景觀特點(diǎn),找出影響該區(qū)域生態(tài)旅游發(fā)展的主要問題表現(xiàn)在:(1)旅游定位不明確;(2)大部分旅游資源目前還處于待初始開發(fā)階段;(3)資源同質(zhì)性問題嚴(yán)重;(4)游客多以休閑觀光為主,商務(wù)、會(huì)議、宗教、療養(yǎng)、購物等其他類型游客比重少,多元化旅游產(chǎn)品和市場開發(fā)相對(duì)不足;(5)生態(tài)景觀不夠完善,生態(tài)旅游基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施還不夠完善備,旅游配套設(shè)施相對(duì)不足;(6)本地居民發(fā)展生態(tài)旅游的積極性不高;(7)旅游產(chǎn)品開發(fā)還不夠成熟,品牌效應(yīng)不明顯;(8)經(jīng)營管理比較粗放、區(qū)域旅游合作不密切、體制機(jī)制創(chuàng)新不夠;(9)客源還不夠充足,旅游收入在國民生產(chǎn)總值中占的比重還不高等等。 對(duì)此,筆者從旅游定位、生態(tài)旅游規(guī)劃、堅(jiān)持協(xié)同發(fā)展、加強(qiáng)宣傳促銷、人才培養(yǎng)、資金籌措、生態(tài)補(bǔ)償、全民參與、利益同享等方面提出了應(yīng)對(duì)贛州西部三縣生態(tài)旅游發(fā)展的對(duì)策。對(duì)贛州西部生態(tài)旅游開發(fā)與發(fā)展有指導(dǎo)意義,也可為條件類似區(qū)域發(fā)展生態(tài)旅游提供參考作用。
[Abstract]:According to the development trend of ecotourism in the whole country and the whole world, people respect nature and return to natural tourist consumption psychology, there are 23 ecotourism spots with their own characteristics in the three counties of western Ganzhou. Superior tourist environment-mature Ganzhou tourism brand (ecological Ganzhou, Jiangxi Song City, Hakka cradle, red all); vast tourist market-Ganzhou, the four provinces thoroughfare, radiation Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao; Strong national and local policy support, etc. Three counties in the west of Ganzhou have broad prospects for developing ecotourism. By analyzing the development trend and present situation of ecotourism at home and abroad and the research progress of ecotourism resources at home and abroad, this paper expounds the important significance of developing ecotourism in three counties of western Ganzhou. This paper introduces 23 representative ecological scenic spots in the three counties of western Ganzhou: steep water lake, Gannan Arboretum, Wujianfeng, Gannan Forest Railway, Yanzi Rock Canyon, Upper Jude Caoshan, Wujifeng Bird's Road, Shangyou Ecological Garden, Xilongfu Waterfall, etc. Shangyou Meifeng Ecological Tea Garden, Yangling, Niedu Cave Group, Qi Yunshan, Shangbao terrace, Qixing Lake, Meiguan Ancient Yidao, Flower Ecology Park, River Cave Hot Spring drifting Scenic spot, Mushan Forest Park, Sanjiangkou original Forest, Yadan Desert City, Peony Pavilion Park, etc. By using qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods, the conditions of tourism resources in three counties of western Ganzhou are evaluated. The results show that there are 10 resources of five grades, 8 resources of four levels and 5 resources of three levels in this area. Visible, three counties in the west of Ganzhou ecotourism resources overall quality is very high. Among them, Chongyi Yangling, Shangyou steep water lake, Dayu Meiguan ancient post road, Gannan tree garden and other resources have distinct characteristics, outstanding, with high tourism development value, is the essence of the three counties in the west of Ganzhou. The comprehensive evaluation of ecotourism resources in three counties in the west of Ganzhou was carried out. The comprehensive evaluation score was 91 and the overall resources reached the level of five levels of resources. The paper also designs the ecotourism resources of three counties in the west of Ganzhou. The ecotourism resources in this area are designed as the special urban and rural scenic spots, mountain forest landscape areas, geological landscape areas and agricultural ecological landscape areas. Water recreation landscape area, cultural ecological landscape area, health ecological landscape area seven kinds of landscape characteristics. Based on the deep analysis of tourism resources, tourism development, tourist source and ecological landscape characteristics of surrounding provinces, cities and counties in the western part of Ganzhou, this paper finds out the main problems affecting the development of ecotourism in this region: (1) the orientation of tourism is not clear; (2) most of the tourist resources are still in the initial stage of development; (3) the problem of resource homogeneity is serious; (4) most tourists are mainly leisure and sightseeing, and the proportion of other types of tourists, such as business, meeting, religion, recuperation, shopping and so on, is low. The diversification of tourism products and market development is relatively inadequate; (5) ecological landscape is not perfect, ecological tourism infrastructure is not perfect, tourism supporting facilities are relatively inadequate; (6) the enthusiasm of local residents to develop eco-tourism is not high; (7) the tourism product development is not mature enough, the brand effect is not obvious; (8) the management is relatively extensive, the regional tourism cooperation is not close, the system mechanism innovation is not enough; (9) the tourist source is not enough, Tourism income in the gross national product in the proportion is not high, and so on. In this regard, the author from the tourism positioning, eco-tourism planning, adhere to coordinated development, strengthen publicity and promotion, talent training, financing, ecological compensation, popular participation, The paper puts forward countermeasures to the development of ecotourism in three counties of western Ganzhou. It is of guiding significance to the development and development of ecotourism in the west of Ganzhou, and can also provide reference for the development of ecotourism in the region with similar conditions.


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