

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-14 06:15

  本文選題:公共租賃住房 + 管理政策。 參考:《長安大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:2010年住房和城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)部發(fā)布了《關(guān)于加快公共租賃住房的指導(dǎo)意見》,各地區(qū)以公共租賃住房為主的保障性安居工程建設(shè)力度逐漸加大。為解決城市中低收入家庭住房困難問題,我國計(jì)劃在“十二五”期間新建各類保障性住房3600萬套,將住房保障覆蓋率提高到20%。截止2013年末,我國城市外來流動人口、新增就業(yè)人口、外出農(nóng)民工數(shù)量分別達(dá)到24500萬、1310萬和16610萬。在住房需求量持續(xù)增長的形勢下,如何實(shí)現(xiàn)公共租賃住房公平分配,,達(dá)到“應(yīng)保盡!?公共租賃住房與廉租住房并軌運(yùn)行,所面臨的保障對象混合輪租問題如何解決?我國住房保障法律支撐體系薄弱,所引發(fā)的審核與監(jiān)督效率低下、保障對象退出難等問題如何解決?這些都將影響我國公共租賃住房管理體系的健康運(yùn)行。本文主要針對這幾方面問題進(jìn)行深入研究,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)一定的社會指導(dǎo)意義。 本文以完善公共租賃住房管理體系為核心,主要進(jìn)行以下幾方面研究。首先,對我國公共租賃住房相關(guān)政策進(jìn)行梳理,分析總結(jié)2010年以來我國公共租賃住房的政策發(fā)展。第二,通過對國內(nèi)外公共住房管理模式的剖析,分別從建設(shè)計(jì)劃、管理機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)置、準(zhǔn)入管理、審核與監(jiān)督過程、分配管理、退出管理等幾方面分析我國公共租賃住房管理存在的問題和原因。第三,基于居民住房支付能力衡量的基本原理,以國內(nèi)公共租賃住房管理模式較為典型的兩個(gè)地區(qū)為例,對其申請準(zhǔn)入線及租金補(bǔ)貼標(biāo)準(zhǔn)線的合理性進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證,為完善我國公共租賃住房管理政策提出改進(jìn)措施。第四,以具有代表性地區(qū)為例,構(gòu)建住房分配模型,采用層次分析法計(jì)算影響公共租賃住房分配的指標(biāo)權(quán)重,依據(jù)“綜合評分法”提出合理的輪候配租方案。第五,基于“懲罰+引導(dǎo)+激勵(lì)”的多元化退出制度,提出構(gòu)建公共租賃住房退出機(jī)制的思路。最后,借鑒國外公共住房管理經(jīng)驗(yàn),分別從公租房管理模式、房源籌集、資金支持以及管理政策等幾方面,為進(jìn)一步完善我國公共租賃住房管理體系提出相關(guān)建議。
[Abstract]:In 2010, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction issued "guidelines on speeding up public rental housing". In order to solve the housing difficulties of low-income families in urban areas, China plans to build 36 million housing units in the 12th Five-Year Plan period, which will increase the housing security coverage to 20%. By the end of 2013, the number of migrant workers and migrant workers in cities reached 245 million to 13.10 million and 166.1 million respectively. Under the situation of continuous increase of housing demand, how to realize the fair distribution of public rental housing and achieve "should be guaranteed"? How to solve the problem of mixed rental between public rental housing and low-rent housing? How to solve the problems of weak legal support system of housing security, low efficiency of audit and supervision, and difficulty of security object withdrawal? All these will affect the healthy operation of public rental housing management system in China. This paper focuses on these aspects of in-depth research, so as to achieve a certain social significance. In this paper, to improve the management system of public rental housing as the core, mainly carry out the following aspects of research. First of all, the related policies of public rental housing in China are combed, and the policy development of public rental housing in China since 2010 is analyzed and summarized. Second, through the analysis of the management mode of public housing at home and abroad, from the construction plan, the management organization setup, the admission management, the examination and the supervision process, the distribution management, This paper analyzes the problems and causes of the management of public rental housing in China. Thirdly, based on the basic principle of the measurement of residents' ability to pay for housing, taking two typical areas of the management mode of public rental housing in China as an example, the rationality of the application access line and the standard line of rent subsidy are verified. In order to improve the management policy of public rental housing in China, the improvement measures are put forward. Fourth, taking representative areas as an example, a housing allocation model is constructed, and the index weights that affect the allocation of public rental housing are calculated by AHP, and a reasonable waiting list allocation scheme is put forward according to the "comprehensive scoring method". Fifthly, based on the pluralistic withdrawal system of "penalty leading incentive", the author puts forward the idea of constructing the exit mechanism of public rental housing. Finally, using the experience of foreign public housing management for reference, from the aspects of public rental housing management mode, housing source raising, financial support and management policy, this paper puts forward some relevant suggestions for further improving the management system of public rental housing in China.


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