

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-12 06:22

  本文選題:心理資本 + 員工敬業(yè)度。 參考:《杭州電子科技大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:新生代員工是伴隨著改革開放與中國經(jīng)濟(jì)快速發(fā)展而成長起來的一代,近年來他們已逐漸成為企業(yè)的中堅力量,在職場中占據(jù)越來越重要的位置。由于新生代員工的成長環(huán)境與前幾代人明顯不同,使得他們的性格特征、價值觀念等與前輩有著顯著的差異,在工作中兼有積極與消極的態(tài)度,表現(xiàn)出低敬業(yè)度。在強(qiáng)調(diào)薪酬、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力及管理水平對員工敬業(yè)度的作用時,很少有人關(guān)注驅(qū)動員工敬業(yè)度的積極心理能力。尤其是對于新生代員工這一群體,在工作中壓力巨大,缺乏工作的持續(xù)動力,進(jìn)而影響了敬業(yè)度和績效。有關(guān)心理資本的研究,正是為了應(yīng)對這一問題而展開的。相關(guān)理論研究表明,敬業(yè)度是心理資本的重要結(jié)果變量,心理資本也是敬業(yè)度的一項重要內(nèi)在影響因素。此外,對于員工心理資本對其敬業(yè)度是有直接影響還是通過某些中間變量而產(chǎn)生間接影響,或是兩種影響方式均存在,也是需要我們進(jìn)一步的深入探討。 基于心理資本理論、組織支持感理論和員工敬業(yè)度理論,本研究以新生代員工為研究對象,構(gòu)建心理資本與員工敬業(yè)度的影響作用模型。在參考國內(nèi)外學(xué)者開發(fā)的量表的基礎(chǔ)上,編制本研究的調(diào)查問卷,,對杭州、合肥、蘇州等地的226名新生代員工進(jìn)行調(diào)查,通過方差分析、相關(guān)分析、回歸分析等統(tǒng)計分析方法得出以下結(jié)論: 1、通過探索性因子分析,得出新生代員工的敬業(yè)度由投入工作、認(rèn)同組織、主動參與三個維度構(gòu)成。描述性統(tǒng)計結(jié)果顯示新生代員工普遍表現(xiàn)出比認(rèn)同組織更高水平的工作投入。 2、新生代員工的心理資本、組織支持感和敬業(yè)度均在部分的人口統(tǒng)計學(xué)變量上存在差異。企業(yè)在管理過程中應(yīng)考慮到員工背景因素的差異性,采取有針對性的管理措施。 3、新生代員工的心理資本整體及其各維度與敬業(yè)度的各維度存在顯著的正相關(guān)關(guān)系,心理資本作為整體的作用要遠(yuǎn)大于單個維度的作用。 4、分步線性回歸分析表明,組織支持感的上級支持和同事支持兩個維度在心理資本與敬業(yè)度的關(guān)系中起到顯著的正向調(diào)節(jié)作用,而制度支持的調(diào)節(jié)作用不顯著。 通過理論分析與實證研究驗證了新生代員工心理資本、組織支持感和敬業(yè)度之間的關(guān)系。此外,本文的研究結(jié)果不僅豐富了積極組織行為學(xué)和積極心理學(xué)理論,對企業(yè)關(guān)于新生代員工敬業(yè)度的提升提供了建設(shè)性的建議,并對研究中存在的問題及未來的研究發(fā)展方向進(jìn)行了探討。
[Abstract]:The new generation of employees is growing up with the reform and opening up and the rapid development of China's economy. In recent years, they have become the backbone of the enterprise, occupying an increasingly important position in the workplace. Because the growth environment of the new generation of employees is obviously different from those of the previous generations, their personality characteristics, values and so on are obviously different from their predecessors, and they have both positive and negative attitudes in their work, showing a low degree of engagement. In emphasizing the role of compensation, leadership and management level on employee engagement, few people pay attention to the positive psychological ability that drives employee engagement. Especially for the new generation of employees, the pressure in the work is huge, the lack of continuous motivation, and then affect the engagement and performance. The research on psychological capital is to deal with this problem. Relevant theoretical studies show that engagement is an important outcome variable of psychological capital, and psychological capital is also an important internal factor of engagement. In addition, whether the psychological capital has a direct influence on the employee's engagement, or whether it has an indirect effect through some intermediate variables, or whether there are two ways of influence, is also need to be further explored. Based on the theory of psychological capital, Based on the theory of organizational support and employee engagement, this study takes the new generation of employees as the research object, and constructs the influence model of psychological capital and employee engagement. Based on the questionnaire developed by scholars at home and abroad, 226 new generation employees in Hangzhou, Hefei and Suzhou were investigated by ANOVA and correlation analysis. Regression analysis and other statistical analysis methods draw the following conclusions: 1, through exploratory factor analysis, it is concluded that the engagement of the new generation of employees consists of three dimensions: work commitment, identification with organization, and active participation. Descriptive statistical results showed that the new generation of employees generally showed a higher level of work involvement than the identification organization. 2. The psychological capital, organizational support and engagement of the new generation employees were all different in some demographic variables. In the process of enterprise management, the differences of employee background factors should be taken into account, and targeted management measures should be taken. 3. There is a significant positive correlation between the psychological capital of the new generation of employees and the dimensions of their engagement. The role of psychological capital as a whole is much greater than that of a single dimension. 4. Stepwise linear regression analysis shows that, The two dimensions of superior support and colleague support play a significant positive role in the relationship between psychological capital and engagement. Through theoretical analysis and empirical research, this paper verifies the relationship among psychological capital, organizational support and engagement of the new generation of employees. In addition, the results of this paper not only enrich the theory of positive organizational behavior and positive psychology, but also provide constructive suggestions for the promotion of new generation employees' engagement. The problems existing in the research and the future research direction are also discussed.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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