

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-11 13:22

  本文選題:農(nóng)民 + 征地; 參考:《燕山大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著工業(yè)化和城市化的發(fā)展,非農(nóng)用地需求不斷增加,大量的土地被征用或征收,失地農(nóng)民越來(lái)越多是必然趨勢(shì)。在城鄉(xiāng)二元結(jié)構(gòu)背景下,失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)問(wèn)題凸顯,生活狀況不樂(lè)觀。研究失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)與生活保障具有重要的理論意義和現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。不僅能為解決失地農(nóng)民問(wèn)題提供一些理論支撐,而且對(duì)維護(hù)社會(huì)穩(wěn)定、促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟(jì)健康發(fā)展和建設(shè)社會(huì)主義和諧社會(huì)都有一定的意義。 全文分為四個(gè)部分對(duì)失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)與生活保障進(jìn)行論述。第一部分,界定失地農(nóng)民的相關(guān)概念,闡述相關(guān)理論;第二部分,介紹了失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)與生活保障的基本情況,從中發(fā)現(xiàn)存在政府對(duì)失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)與生活保障重視不足,相關(guān)制度有效性不高,就業(yè)扶持政策缺失,失地農(nóng)民家庭保障不足等問(wèn)題;深入分析了造成上述問(wèn)題的原因包括:過(guò)度擴(kuò)張的政府自利性,二元結(jié)構(gòu)體制性因素,失地農(nóng)民自身的因素。第三部分,,介紹了國(guó)外失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)與生活保障的具體做法及對(duì)我國(guó)的啟示;第四部分,從明確政府主體性地位、加強(qiáng)制度保障和就業(yè)保障、提高失地農(nóng)民再就業(yè)的人力資本四個(gè)方面采取綜合措施,建立合理、規(guī)范、多元的保障機(jī)制,推動(dòng)失地農(nóng)民再就業(yè)的順利實(shí)現(xiàn),保障基本生活。 國(guó)家補(bǔ)償、社會(huì)保障、就業(yè)是解決失地農(nóng)民問(wèn)題的三個(gè)重要舉措,就業(yè)是解決失地農(nóng)民長(zhǎng)久生計(jì)問(wèn)題的根本。國(guó)內(nèi)對(duì)失地農(nóng)民問(wèn)題的研究,成果多集中在失地農(nóng)民社會(huì)保障、就業(yè)等方面,而且大多數(shù)是就某一方面的論述。該文從失地農(nóng)民就業(yè)與生活保障這一層面入手,深化就業(yè)的重要性,促使失地農(nóng)民從“補(bǔ)償+保障”的一條腿走路轉(zhuǎn)變到“就業(yè)+保障”的兩條腿走路。
[Abstract]:With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the demand for non-agricultural land is increasing, a large number of land is expropriated or expropriated, and more land-lost farmers are inevitable trend. Under the background of dual structure in urban and rural areas, the employment problem of landless farmers is prominent and their living conditions are not optimistic. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the employment and life security of landless farmers. It can not only provide some theoretical support for solving the problem of land-losing peasants, but also maintain social stability. It is of certain significance to promote the healthy development of economy and to build a harmonious socialist society. This paper is divided into four parts to discuss the employment and life security of landless farmers. In the first part, the author defines the related concepts of land-lost farmers and expounds the relevant theories. The second part introduces the basic situation of employment and livelihood security of landless farmers, and finds that the government has not paid enough attention to the employment and livelihood security of landless farmers. The related system is not effective, the employment support policy is lacking, and the family security of the landless farmers is insufficient. The causes of the above problems include: the excessive expansion of government self-interest, the dual structure of institutional factors, and so on. Loss of land farmers themselves. In the third part, the author introduces the concrete methods of employment and life security of landless peasants abroad and their enlightenment to our country. The fourth part, from defining the government's subjective position, strengthening the system security and employment security, To improve the human capital of land-lost farmers' re-employment, we should take comprehensive measures to establish a reasonable, standardized and pluralistic security mechanism, to promote the smooth realization of re-employment of landless peasants, and to ensure basic living, state compensation, and social security. Employment is the three important measures to solve the problem of land-lost farmers, and employment is the fundamental to solve the problem of long-term livelihood of landless farmers. Domestic research on the problem of land-lost farmers, the results are mostly focused on the land loss farmers social security, employment and so on, and most of the discussion on one aspect. This paper starts with the level of employment and life security of landless farmers, deepens the importance of employment, and urges the peasants to change from one leg of compensation guarantee to two legs of employment security.


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