

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-09 02:21

  本文選題:企業(yè)參與 + 示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè) ; 參考:《天津大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:2005年下半年開始,在推進(jìn)城鎮(zhèn)化的進(jìn)程中,天津市逐步探索了以城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)用地增減掛鉤為平臺的示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)。按照“試點先行,逐步推開”的原則,市政府先后組織開展了四批掛鉤。在示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)過程中,投融資平臺公司作為借款人,向銀行申請貸款用于項目建設(shè),之后通過土地出讓收益歸還貸款,達(dá)到資金平衡。因此土地能否順利出讓,對投融資平臺公司內(nèi)部資金平衡及示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)的成敗起到了關(guān)鍵作用。目前,示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)規(guī)模大、建設(shè)時間集中,存在著資金難以平衡的問題。學(xué)術(shù)界對示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)實證方面的研究主要集中在運作模式、建設(shè)潛力及建設(shè)效益等方面,對資金方面的研究主要是從政府的角度出發(fā)的。作為參與示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)的主體,投融資平臺公司在參與示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)過程中的成本效益未受到廣泛關(guān)注,這會使公司承擔(dān)資金回收風(fēng)險,在示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)中蒙受損失。 本文從投融資平臺公司的角度出發(fā),對其在參與示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)過程中的投資、收益及影響因素進(jìn)行分析。采用非均衡模型及灰色預(yù)測模型對其面臨的商品房市場及土地市場進(jìn)行分析;并對示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)過程中的資金流量及預(yù)期土地收益情況進(jìn)行分析。 研究發(fā)現(xiàn),天津市示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)規(guī)模大,自2008年以來,土地出讓市場存在波動,出讓收益無法保證。同時天津市商品房市場存在嚴(yán)重的供大于求,示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)融資渠道單一,過分依賴于土地出讓收益,增加了風(fēng)險發(fā)生的可能性。因此投融資平臺公司在參與示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)時,需要合理選址,選取區(qū)位條件好、建設(shè)條件成熟的區(qū)域優(yōu)先作為項目區(qū),以保證土地出讓收益;同時需要降低示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)對商品房市場的依賴,優(yōu)化產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu),實現(xiàn)農(nóng)民居住社區(qū)、示范工業(yè)園區(qū)、農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)“三區(qū)聯(lián)動”;引入多性質(zhì)投資主體,拓寬融資渠道,吸引民間資本參與示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè),統(tǒng)籌使用政府各類支持資金,盡可能使用政策性銀行融資,降低融資風(fēng)險。 最后以天津星城投資發(fā)展有限公司為例,對星城公司參與建設(shè)的天津市津南區(qū)八里臺示范鎮(zhèn)建設(shè)項目一、二期建設(shè)進(jìn)行了案例分析。
[Abstract]:In the second half of 2005, in the process of promoting urbanization, Tianjin has gradually explored the construction of the demonstration town on the platform of increasing and reducing the urban and rural construction land. According to the principle of "pilot first, step by step", the city government has organized four batches of pegs successively. In the process of building a demonstration town, the investment and financing platform company is a borrower, The bank applies for the loan for the project construction, and then returns the loan through the income of the land transfer to achieve the balance of funds. Therefore, whether the land can be sold smoothly can play a key role in the capital balance of the investment and financing platform and the success or failure of the demonstration town. The research on demonstration of demonstration town construction in the academic circle mainly concentrates on the operation mode, the construction potential and the construction benefit. The research on capital is mainly from the point of view of the government. As the main body of the construction of the demonstration town, the cost and benefit of the investment and financing platform company in the construction process of the demonstration town has not been received. Widespread concern will cause the company to bear the risk of capital recovery and suffer losses in the construction of demonstration towns.
From the point of view of the investment and financing platform company, this paper analyzes the investment, income and influencing factors in the construction of the demonstration town, analyzes the market and land market of the commercial housing market and the land market by using the non equilibrium model and the grey prediction model, and the flow of funds and the expected land income in the process of building the demonstration town. The situation is analyzed.
The study found that the construction of Tianjin city demonstration town has a large scale. Since 2008, the land leasing market has fluctuated and the transfer income cannot be guaranteed. At the same time, the commercial housing market in Tianjin has a serious supply exceeding demand, and the construction of the demonstration town has a single financing channel, which is too dependent on the benefit of the land transfer and increases the possibility of the risk. Therefore, the investment and financing is flat. While taking part in the construction of the demonstration town, Taiwan company needs to select a reasonable location, select the area with good location and mature areas as a project area, to ensure the income of the land transfer. At the same time, it should reduce the dependence of the demonstration town on the commercial housing market, optimize the industrial structure, realize the farmers' residential community, demonstration Industrial Park and agricultural industrial park. "The linkage of the three areas"; the introduction of multi nature investment subjects, widening the financing channels, attracting private capital to participate in the construction of demonstration towns, using various support funds of the government as a whole, and using policy bank financing as much as possible to reduce the risk of financing.
In the end, taking Tianjin Star City Investment and Development Co., Ltd. for example, a case analysis was carried out on the construction project of the eight Li platform demonstration town of Jinnan District, Tianjin, which was involved in the construction of star city.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 劉庭風(fēng);中日文化比較與農(nóng)村規(guī)劃[J];小城鎮(zhèn)建設(shè);2000年02期





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