

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-06 15:12

  本文選題:就地城鎮(zhèn)化 + 價(jià)值觀 ; 參考:《河南大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:目前,中原經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)全面發(fā)展,河南省就地城鎮(zhèn)化建設(shè)也初見成效,隨著一個(gè)個(gè)新型社區(qū)的拔地而起,農(nóng)民已經(jīng)擺脫了以往村落的居住方式,生活環(huán)境也有了明顯提高。但筆者發(fā)現(xiàn),隨著城鎮(zhèn)化建設(shè)步伐的加快,新的生活理念、生產(chǎn)方式以及新的價(jià)值觀念如潮水一般涌向農(nóng)村。農(nóng)民所表現(xiàn)出來的“不適應(yīng)、不理解、不配合”的情況證明,原有的傳統(tǒng)農(nóng)民價(jià)值觀念已經(jīng)不適用于現(xiàn)在的農(nóng)民。盡快的找到一種方法建立起正確的農(nóng)民價(jià)值觀念是當(dāng)務(wù)之急。而體育則具有這樣的功能。體育是公平的、公正的、公開的,參加體育活動(dòng)可以培養(yǎng)農(nóng)民的開拓精神、集體主義觀念和競爭意識(shí)等。農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀的塑造,不僅能夠使農(nóng)民積極的參加體育活動(dòng),,保持身體健康,而且還可以利用體育的精神內(nèi)涵,培養(yǎng)農(nóng)民養(yǎng)成正確的、積極的、健康的價(jià)值觀念。本研究以農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀作為突破口,調(diào)查分析河南省就地城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展過程中,農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀的變化,通過對(duì)農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀重塑,幫助農(nóng)民快速建立起正確的價(jià)值觀念,從而幫助就地城鎮(zhèn)化建設(shè)健康發(fā)展,配合中原地區(qū)的全面崛起。 論文采用了文獻(xiàn)資料法、調(diào)查法、專家訪談法以及數(shù)理統(tǒng)計(jì)法等,對(duì)河南省就地城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展下的農(nóng)民進(jìn)行了問卷調(diào)查,從不同性別、不同年齡、不同經(jīng)濟(jì)條件、不同文化程度4個(gè)方面進(jìn)行了整合性分析以及多重性比較分析。研究結(jié)果如下: (1)總結(jié)當(dāng)前學(xué)者對(duì)于就地城鎮(zhèn)化的概念定義,本文筆者在實(shí)際研究需要的基礎(chǔ)上把就地城鎮(zhèn)化概念定義為:農(nóng)村人口不向城市聚集,在原有的空間范圍內(nèi),通過提升居住環(huán)境,完善基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè),增加就業(yè)崗位,提高個(gè)人收入,完成農(nóng)民職業(yè)非農(nóng)化,最終實(shí)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)生活方式統(tǒng)一,精神文化修養(yǎng)的凝練,思想觀念的轉(zhuǎn)變,使其“里”與“外”和城市人無縫連接。 (2)由于當(dāng)前國內(nèi)學(xué)者對(duì)于體育價(jià)值觀以及農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值的概念沒有統(tǒng)一界定,本文筆者在實(shí)際研究需要的基礎(chǔ)上把兩者定義為:體育價(jià)值觀是體育一詞出現(xiàn)在人們腦海中時(shí),對(duì)其價(jià)值的第一反應(yīng),它決定了人們對(duì)于體育的基本觀點(diǎn)與看法,是影響人們體育行為的重要因素;農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀是農(nóng)民從自身發(fā)展和社會(huì)需要出發(fā),對(duì)體育本質(zhì)的看法、觀點(diǎn)、認(rèn)識(shí)、理解的總和,體育行為的意愿、態(tài)度、需求的立場。是農(nóng)民特有的衡量體育的基本尺度,對(duì)體育進(jìn)行評(píng)價(jià)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 (3)當(dāng)前,大力發(fā)展就地城鎮(zhèn)化是河南省建設(shè)中原經(jīng)濟(jì)區(qū)的重要部分。城鎮(zhèn)化水平較低、人口總量龐大、經(jīng)濟(jì)基礎(chǔ)較差以及區(qū)域發(fā)展不平衡是制約就地城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展的4個(gè)重要因素。 (4)隨著社會(huì)的發(fā)展,農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀呈多元化趨勢(shì) (5)在河南省農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀整體性調(diào)查中發(fā)現(xiàn),不同性別的農(nóng)民,男性的農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀平均得分高于女性;不同年齡階段農(nóng)民中,16 25歲這一階段為最好;不同經(jīng)濟(jì)條件的農(nóng)民中,月收入在4001元以上的農(nóng)民,擁有正確的體育價(jià)值觀;不同文化程度的農(nóng)民中,學(xué)歷在高中以上的農(nóng)民,對(duì)于體育的評(píng)價(jià)和認(rèn)識(shí)較為正確。 (6)在河南省農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值取向多重性比較調(diào)查中發(fā)現(xiàn),年齡在16 40歲之間和月收入在1001 4000元以及4001元以上的農(nóng)民,其4個(gè)價(jià)值取向并無顯著性差異。但值得注意的是不同文化程度的農(nóng)民,體育價(jià)值取向全部有所差異。 整合本文研究結(jié)果,當(dāng)前河南省就地城鎮(zhèn)化建設(shè)下的農(nóng)民不具有正確的體育價(jià)值觀,當(dāng)生活環(huán)境以及生活方式等發(fā)生翻天覆地的變化時(shí),農(nóng)民面對(duì)問題、解決問題的能力嚴(yán)重缺乏。通過宣傳體育文化,增加農(nóng)民經(jīng)濟(jì)收入,提高農(nóng)民文化素質(zhì)涵養(yǎng)等手段建設(shè)正確的農(nóng)民體育價(jià)值觀,促使農(nóng)民身心健康發(fā)展,為農(nóng)民適應(yīng)就地城鎮(zhèn)化打下良好基礎(chǔ),從而達(dá)到就地城鎮(zhèn)化對(duì)于“人”的要求。
[Abstract]:At present , the development of the Central Plains Economic Area , the local urbanization construction in Henan Province have also been successful , and with the development of a new community , the peasants have been freed from the old village ' s living style and the living environment has been obviously improved .

Based on the methods of literature , investigation , expert interview and mathematical statistics , the author carried out a questionnaire survey on farmers under the development of local urbanization in Henan Province . The results were as follows :

( 1 ) To sum up the definition of the current scholar ' s concept of local urbanization , this paper defines the concept of urbanization in terms of the actual research needs : the rural population does not aggregate to the city , in the original space , through the improvement of the living environment , the improvement of the infrastructure construction , the increase of the employment position , the improvement of personal income , the completion of the farmer ' s occupation non - farming , the final realization of the unity of the way of production and life , the cultivation of spiritual culture , the transformation of the ideology , and the seamless connection between the " inner " and " the outside " and the city people .

( 2 ) Because the current domestic scholars have not defined the concept of sports values and the value of peasants ' sports , the author defines them as follows : the physical value is the first reaction to the value of sport when the word appears in people ' s mind , it decides the basic opinions and opinions of people to sports , and is an important factor influencing people ' s physical behavior ;
The value of peasants ' physical education is the basis of peasants ' opinions , opinions , cognition , understanding , the willingness , attitude and demand of sports . It is the standard of peasants to measure the basic scale of sports and evaluate the sports .

( 3 ) At present , the development of local urbanization is an important part of Henan ' s construction of the Central Plain Economic Area . The urbanization level is low , the total population is huge , the economic foundation is poor and the regional development imbalance is the four important factors that restrict the development of urbanization .

( 4 ) With the development of society , the values of farmers ' sports are diversified .

( 5 ) In the holistic investigation of the values of farmers ' sports values in Henan Province , it was found that the average scores of farmers and men of different sexes were higher than those of women ;




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