

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-16 04:01

  本文選題:住房公積金 + 農(nóng)民工; 參考:《吉林大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:農(nóng)民工是中國經(jīng)濟(jì)與社會發(fā)展過程中的重要力量,尤其是從我國對外開放開始,國家政策對農(nóng)村勞動力遷移的限制放寬,許多農(nóng)民工進(jìn)入城市打工,在很大程度上促進(jìn)了城市迅速現(xiàn)代化與城市化。在農(nóng)民工為城市發(fā)展做出巨大貢獻(xiàn)的同時(shí),這個(gè)群體在城市受到了不平等的待遇,無法分享經(jīng)濟(jì)社會發(fā)展的成果。他們在教育、醫(yī)療、就業(yè)、住房等方面的獲取上,仍然處在弱勢地位,尤其是在住房這個(gè)基本生存環(huán)境上,更是受到不公平對待。隨著我國經(jīng)濟(jì)的不斷發(fā)展,住房問題逐漸演變?yōu)樯鐣慕裹c(diǎn)問題。越來越多中低收入者的購房需求被居高不下的房價(jià)“拒之門外”,住房公積金的保障作用顯得更加突出,任務(wù)更加艱巨。住房公積金制度在早期的住房制度改革中發(fā)揮了重要的作用,在為國家住房建設(shè)籌集資金的同時(shí),大大改善了居民的住房購買能力。但是在住房公積金制度的運(yùn)行中也產(chǎn)生了大量問題,在很大程度上阻礙了住房公積金資金的有效運(yùn)作。 本文首先闡明了研究的背景及研究意義,國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀,研究內(nèi)容與方法;然后闡述了基本概念與相關(guān)理論,在此基礎(chǔ)上,以牡丹江市為例,細(xì)致深入的探討其農(nóng)民工住房現(xiàn)狀(農(nóng)民工住房的需求、農(nóng)民工住房的條件、農(nóng)民工居住的方式)。分析牡丹江市農(nóng)民工住房存在的問題及其原因,現(xiàn)階段牡丹江市農(nóng)民工住房存在的問題如下:居住條件相對較差;租房難,房租貴;收入相對較低,缺乏住房保障;住房需求得不到滿足。牡丹江市農(nóng)民工住房問題的原因如下:農(nóng)民工群體的特殊境地;農(nóng)民工群體的自身局限性因素;農(nóng)民工家庭生活缺乏其他保障;農(nóng)民工群體經(jīng)濟(jì)地位落后;政府保障職能缺位;城市市民對農(nóng)民工的排斥。指明住房公積金制度解決農(nóng)民工住房問題的原因,并以我國的湖州市、南京市為例,闡明了國內(nèi)經(jīng)驗(yàn)借鑒及啟示;最后提出住房公積金制度解決農(nóng)民工住房問題的相關(guān)對策,,主要包括完善住房公積金繳存制度、堅(jiān)持以擴(kuò)大個(gè)人住房貸款為第一使用方向、增強(qiáng)住房公積金對低收入者的住房保障能力(允許低收入者提取住房公積金支付房租、降低低收入者的貸款門檻,提高其購房能力)、開辟住房公積金增值保值新渠道、加強(qiáng)相關(guān)法制建設(shè)等幾個(gè)方面。
[Abstract]:Migrant workers are an important force in the process of China's economic and social development, especially from the beginning of China's opening to the outside world, national policies to relax the restrictions on rural labor migration, many migrant workers into the city to work.To a large extent, it promotes the rapid modernization and urbanization of cities.While the migrant workers make great contributions to the development of the city, this group has been treated unequally in the city, unable to share the fruits of economic and social development.They are still in a weak position in access to education, medical care, employment, housing and so on, especially in the basic living environment of housing, which is even more unfairly treated.With the development of our country's economy, the housing problem has gradually become the focus of the society.More and more low- and middle-income people's house purchase demand is "shut out" by the high housing price, the housing accumulation fund's safeguard function appears to be more prominent, the task is more arduous.The housing accumulation fund system played an important role in the early reform of the housing system. While raising funds for the national housing construction, the housing accumulation fund system greatly improved the housing purchase ability of the residents.However, there are many problems in the operation of housing provident fund system, which hinder the effective operation of housing accumulation fund to a great extent.In this paper, the background and significance of the research, the current research situation at home and abroad, the research contents and methods are expounded, and then the basic concepts and related theories are expounded. On this basis, Mudanjiang City is taken as an example.This paper probes into the present situation of migrant workers' housing (the demand of migrant workers' housing, the conditions of migrant workers' housing and the way of living for migrant workers).This paper analyzes the problems and causes of the housing of migrant workers in Mudanjiang. The problems of the housing of migrant workers in Mudanjiang are as follows: relatively poor living conditions, difficult rental, high rent, relatively low income and lack of housing security;Housing needs are unmet.The reasons for the housing problems of migrant workers in Mudanjiang are as follows: the special situation of migrant workers; the limitation factors of migrant workers; the lack of other protection in the family life of migrant workers; the backward economic status of migrant workers; the absence of government security function;The exclusion of urban citizens from migrant workers.This paper points out the reasons of housing accumulation fund system to solve the housing problem of migrant workers, and takes Huzhou City and Nanjing City as examples, expounds the domestic experience and enlightenment, and finally puts forward the relevant countermeasures of housing accumulation fund system to solve the housing problem of migrant workers.Mainly including improving the housing provident fund deposit system, insisting on the expansion of personal housing loans as the first direction of use, and enhancing the housing security ability of the housing accumulation fund for the low-income people (allowing low-income people to withdraw housing accumulation funds to pay rent.)Lower the threshold of low-income loans, improve their ability to buy houses, open up a new channel of housing accumulation fund value, strengthen the construction of related legal system, and so on.


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