

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-15 23:37

  本文選題:工程項目 + 財務(wù)評價; 參考:《中國海洋大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, real estate projects in China have developed rapidly. For real estate investors, it is particularly important to study the financial evaluation of real estate projects before investment and construction.Are real estate project investors are very concerned about the problem.Real estate is an industry with large amount of capital investment, long payback period, high policy dependence and great contribution to GDP.In the face of the country's strict macro-control policy, how to do a good job in the financial evaluation of real estate development project is a subject worthy of further discussion.Scientific and reasonable financial evaluation of real estate projects can help investors effectively avoid financial risks, reduce the loss of interest arising from investment failure, and ensure the smooth construction of the project.Under the condition of market economy, the project financial management is very important to the real estate enterprises. Whether the project financial management is effective or not is directly related to the economic benefits of the real estate enterprises, and even to the survival and development of the real estate enterprises.This article takes Shouguang modern Jiayuan real estate project as the research object, carries on the financial appraisal research to this real estate project, provides the reference basis for the investor, but also provides the beneficial enlightenment for the other real estate development project.This paper is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction part, including the research background and significance, the main contents and research methods, the domestic and foreign research status and development trends, technical routes and innovation points.The second part is related concepts of project financial evaluation, including the content of project financial evaluation, the influence factors and methods of project financial evaluation.The third part is the project profile and investment and financing estimation, including Shouguang real estate market overview, project profile, market demand analysis, project investment estimation and financing.The fourth part is the evaluation part of the profitability of Shouguang modern Jiayuan real estate project, including project investment project financial data, project profit and loss research, project cash flow research, project profitability evaluation.The fifth part is the evaluation part of Shouguang modern Jiayuan real estate project solvency, including project solvency evaluation, project uncertainty analysis and so on.The last part is the conclusion.The research shows that the construction of modern Jiayuan real estate project in Shouguang city accords with the national industrial policy and the industry development plan of Shandong province.After the completion of the project, can bring a great role for the local economy.Although the project has some financial risks, it is positive and feasible in general. Especially from the point of view of investment profit margin, the investment profit margin of lease period is lower, but the investment profit margin of resale year is higher.The average annual investment profit margin is over 13%.From the point of view of dynamic profit of private funds, the project is also active and feasible. The financial net present value of the project before and after tax is greater than zero, and the financial internal rate of return before and after tax is higher than the expected rate of return.In addition, from the stage of construction operation period, from the above several dynamic indicators of the project, so from the point of view of the dynamic profit of its own funds, the project is feasible.From the point of view of risk evaluation, the capital preservation point of the project is relatively low, which indicates that the project has strong ability to resist risks.


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