

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-15 18:09

  本文選題:物流科技進(jìn)步 + 物流產(chǎn)業(yè); 參考:《福州大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the role of science and technology to economic growth is more and more prominent.The development of science and technology, industry and logistics industry is closely related to the progress of science and technology.Therefore, it is of great significance to promote the development of logistics industry.Fujian Province is located in the southeast coast, its logistics development has certain geographical advantage, moreover Fujian Province economy develops rapidly, the logistics demand also increases unceasingly, therefore Fujian Province logistics industry development will promote the economic growth, at the same time,It will also promote the optimization of China's logistics industry.However, Fujian logistics industry started late, so it is urgent to speed up the development of Fujian logistics industry.Based on the actual situation of the development of logistics industry in Fujian Province, this paper first uses the life cycle theory of logistics industry to carry on quantitative analysis to it, and from the logistics hard technology,Soft technology and information technology are the three main aspects to qualitatively study the impact of logistics science and technology progress on the logistics industry in Fujian Province, and then use Solow residual value method to calculate the contribution rate of Fujian Province logistics science and technology progress.Then using DEA-Malmquist index method to further compare Fujian Province with other coastal provinces, through quantitative analysis of the role of logistics science and technology progress on the logistics industry in Fujian Province,The countermeasures and suggestions for accelerating the technological progress of logistics industry in Fujian Province and promoting the development of logistics industry are put forward.The results show that the progress of logistics science and technology can promote the development of logistics industry in Fujian Province, but the contribution rate of logistics science and technology progress in Fujian Province needs to be further improved.Has not really reached the goal of using scientific and technological progress to promote the development of logistics industry in Fujian Province.At the same time, it also reveals the shortcomings of Fujian Province in promoting the development of logistics industry by logistics science and technology: the consciousness of science and technology investment of Fujian logistics enterprises is not strong;The transformation efficiency of logistics science and technology achievement is low; the comprehensive specialized logistics talented person is lacking and so on.Therefore, in order to realize the development vision of logistics industry in Fujian Province with the progress of logistics science and technology, the government, schools, logistics enterprises and logistics related management consulting companies are needed to work together.


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