

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-15 14:38

  本文選題:食物損失 + 食物浪費(fèi); 參考:《自然資源學(xué)報(bào)》2015年03期

[Abstract]:In recent years, the problem of food loss and waste and its resources and environment have become the focus of global attention, and reducing food loss and waste has become another important way to ensure food safety.Based on a large number of literatures at home and abroad, this paper reviews the research progress of food loss and waste.The results show that the research on food loss and waste has not yet formed a unified methodological foundation in the world, and the research work needs to be further strengthened.First, the study of food loss and waste is difficult to compare on a global scale from conceptual definition, research links to research methods, and the results of different studies are difficult to compare.The study of underdeveloped countries and regions as well as countries with rapid economic transition is relatively insufficient, mainly concentrated in the 1970s and 1980s, especially for the loss of postnatal links.There is a need to further strengthen the case studies of the above countries and regions; thirdly, to strengthen consumer behavior research to reduce food waste by changing consumer behaviour, thus providing effective means of intervention for policy makers.It is also an important aspect that needs to be strengthened.On this basis, the importance of strengthening the research on food loss and waste in the future is prospected, in order to reduce food loss and waste by synthesizing different approaches.
【作者單位】: 中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所;中國科學(xué)院大學(xué);


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