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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-14 20:54

  本文選題:新型城鎮(zhèn)化 + 廣東。 參考:《廣東省社會科學院》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:城鎮(zhèn)化是一個國家和地區(qū)現代化的重要標志。根據聯合國的報告,全球的城鎮(zhèn)化水平在2010年首次超過50%,標志著一個城市化的世界已經到來。作為一個人口眾多的國家,中國的城鎮(zhèn)化進程和城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,,備受國際社會的廣泛關注。新中國成立以后,尤其是改革開放30多年來,中國的城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展取得了舉世矚目的巨大成就。 廣東省作為中國改革開放的“排頭兵”,城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展同樣取得了巨大成就。根據2013年中國統(tǒng)計年鑒數據,截至2012年底,廣東省的城鎮(zhèn)化率達到67.4%。城鎮(zhèn)化在推動廣東社會經濟發(fā)展的同時,也帶來了嚴峻的問題:省內區(qū)域發(fā)展不平衡,區(qū)域之間發(fā)展差距較大;城鄉(xiāng)建設模式相對粗放,城鄉(xiāng)發(fā)展差距也非常大;生態(tài)環(huán)境問題嚴峻;貧富差距增大,兩極分化現象十分明顯;異地務工人員分享城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展成果的程度偏低,人們的“幸福感”、“歸屬感”不強等。 黨的十八大報告提出:“堅持走中國特色新型工業(yè)化、信息化、城鎮(zhèn)化、農業(yè)現代化道路,推動信息化和工業(yè)化深度融合、工業(yè)化和城鎮(zhèn)化良性互動、城鎮(zhèn)化和農業(yè)現代化相互協(xié)調,促進工業(yè)化、信息化、城鎮(zhèn)化、農業(yè)現代化同步發(fā)展”。因此在新的國際國內形勢下,研究以城鄉(xiāng)統(tǒng)籌、社會和諧、集約節(jié)能、綠色低碳、生態(tài)可持續(xù)等為特征的新型城鎮(zhèn)化,對廣東未來的發(fā)展意義重大。 全文包括四大部分:城鎮(zhèn)化有關理論的闡述,國外城鎮(zhèn)化經驗、教訓的梳理和綜述,新型城鎮(zhèn)化理論的構建和廣東推進新型城鎮(zhèn)化的區(qū)域政策研究,共分為七章。第一章,緒論。主要闡述本研究的現實背景和意義、研究思路和方法、研究前提假設以及一些基本概念、論文框架等,為新型城鎮(zhèn)化問題研究的展開奠定基礎。第二章,闡述城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展有關理論。第三章,對國內外城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展的經驗和教訓進行梳理和綜述。第四章,構建新型城鎮(zhèn)化理論框架,闡述新型城鎮(zhèn)化的時代背景、科學涵義、基本特征、動力機制、推進主體以及新型城鎮(zhèn)化與統(tǒng)籌區(qū)域協(xié)調發(fā)展、縮小收入差距、保護自然環(huán)境的關系。第五章,對廣東的城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展水平進行分析,重點分析廣東城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展的現狀和問題。第六章,對廣東推進新型城鎮(zhèn)化戰(zhàn)略進行綜合分析,重點分析廣東推進新型城鎮(zhèn)化的后勁。第七章,結合廣東實際以及新型城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展的內涵、運行機制,就廣東推進新型城鎮(zhèn)化建設提出政策建議。 論文對新型城鎮(zhèn)化進行研究,在理論上,有利于我國新型城鎮(zhèn)化研究的擴展和深入;在實踐上,深化了廣東對新型城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展的認識和了解,使廣東在今后新型城鎮(zhèn)化發(fā)展遇到新變化、新問題時,能為有關部門做出正確而又科學的決策提供一種思考。
[Abstract]:Urbanization is an important symbol of modernization of a country and region.For the first time in 2010, the world's urbanization level exceeded 50 percent, according to the United Nations, marking the arrival of an urbanized world.As a country with a large population, China's urbanization process and urbanization development strategy have received extensive attention from the international community.Since the founding of New China, especially in the past 30 years since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization has made remarkable achievements.Guangdong Province as China's reform and opening-up "vanguard", urbanization development has also made great achievements.By the end of 2012, the urbanization rate in Guangdong Province had reached 67.4 percent, according to the 2013 China Statistical Yearbook.Urbanization not only promotes the social and economic development of Guangdong, but also brings serious problems: the regional development in the province is unbalanced, the development gap between regions is large, the urban and rural construction mode is relatively extensive, and the gap between urban and rural development is very large.The ecological environment problem is severe; the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing, the polarization phenomenon is very obvious; the degree of sharing the fruits of urbanization development by migrant workers is on the low side, people's "happiness" and "sense of belonging" are not strong.The report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC pointed out: "adhere to the road of new-type industrialization with Chinese characteristics, informatization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, promote the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, and promote benign interaction between industrialization and urbanization,"Urbanization and agricultural modernization coordinate each other, promote industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agricultural modernization synchronous development.Therefore, under the new international and domestic situation, it is of great significance for the future development of Guangdong to study the new urbanization, which is characterized by urban-rural coordination, social harmony, intensive energy saving, green and low-carbon, ecological sustainability and so on.The full text includes four parts: the elaboration of urbanization theory, the experience of foreign urbanization, the summary of lessons, the construction of new urbanization theory and the regional policy research of promoting new urbanization in Guangdong, which is divided into seven chapters.Chapter one, introduction.This paper mainly describes the realistic background and significance of this study, the research ideas and methods, the premise hypothesis, some basic concepts, the framework of the paper, etc., which lays a foundation for the research of new urbanization.The second chapter, elaborated the urbanization development related theory.The third chapter, the domestic and foreign urbanization development experience and the lesson carries on the comb and the summary.In chapter four, we construct the theoretical framework of new urbanization, expound the background, scientific meaning, basic characteristics, motive mechanism, promote the coordinated development of new urbanization and regional coordination, and narrow the income gap.The relationship between the protection of the natural environment.The fifth chapter analyzes the development level of urbanization in Guangdong Province, focusing on the status quo and problems of urbanization development in Guangdong Province.The sixth chapter analyzes Guangdong's strategy of promoting new urbanization comprehensively, focusing on the stamina of Guangdong's promotion of new urbanization.Chapter seven, combining the connotation of Guangdong's reality and the development of new urbanization, puts forward some policy suggestions on how to promote the construction of new urbanization in Guangdong.In theory, this paper is conducive to the expansion and deepening of the study of new urbanization in China. In practice, it deepens the understanding and understanding of the development of new urbanization in Guangdong.When Guangdong faces new changes and problems in the development of new urbanization in the future, it can provide a kind of thinking for relevant departments to make correct and scientific decisions.


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