

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-29 21:23

  本文選題:采煤塌陷區(qū) 切入點(diǎn):失地農(nóng)民 出處:《池州學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào)》2015年06期

[Abstract]:The employment of peasants in coal mining subsidence areas is an important factor related to the social harmony in coal resource-based areas and an important aspect of promoting new urbanization in coal-resource-based areas.It is of great practical significance to discuss the sustainable employment of peasants in coal mining subsidence area.Taking Fengtai County of Anhui Province as a case study, by means of individual interview, field observation and questionnaire survey, the characteristics and influencing factors of the present employment situation of peasants in coal mining subsidence area were preliminarily analyzed through the combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods.The results show that the employment rate of peasants in the coal mining subsidence area is about 60%, the main way of employment is agricultural production, the main way of employment is migrant workers, the main way of employment is the introduction of relatives, and the overall degree of satisfaction of employment is relatively low (2) the degree of education and vocational skills.Information acquisition is the main factor that affects the employment of land-lost farmers in coal mining subsidence area. 3) from the aspects of perfecting system, optimizing employment and improving quality, the paper puts forward some suggestions on sustainable employment policy for peasants who lost land in coal mining subsidence area in the future.
【作者單位】: 安徽師范大學(xué)國(guó)土資源與旅游學(xué)院;
【基金】:安徽師范大學(xué)2014年度研究生科研創(chuàng)新重點(diǎn)項(xiàng)目(2014yks084zd) 國(guó)家社科基金項(xiàng)目(14BSH036)




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