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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-23 19:29

  本文選題:整體上市 切入點:績效 出處:《廣東工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Early Chinese securities market smaller, higher requirements on the qualification of the enterprise, large enterprises can only spin off part of the quality of assets of listed financing. But with the continuous development of the market, the listed company and the parent company of group of trade competition, unfair related party transactions and large shareholders malicious occupancy of funds and other issues continue to increase, and affect the healthy development of enterprises China's capital market. Therefore, the overall market has gradually become an important way to solve the drawbacks of the spin off. At the same time, in the context of mixed ownership reform, China's regulators also continue to encourage and support state-owned enterprises through the overall listing of the group listed as a whole or main assets by way of advancing the reform of state-owned enterprises and enhance the comprehensive strength of the state-owned enterprises. The overall market in practice has become an effective way for enterprises to implement the strategy, also received wide attention in the theoretical circles. The domestic theoretical circles The theoretical analysis of the overall market are mostly concentrated in the motivation of the overall market, pattern and meaning, for the case of overall listing and its performance research is relatively small. Therefore, the overall market is how to solve the drawbacks of the spin off, how to influence on the performance of enterprises in practice in the enterprise, but also for other large enterprise groups what are the lessons in operation, which has research value. This paper uses the method of theoretical research and combining the specific case, to China power construction reverse acquisition of the parent company of electric power construction group assets, promote the electric power construction group business assets listed as a whole as the study case, around the "overall listing effect" on company performance analysis and inquiry at first the research background and significance of this paper is analyzed, and a review of the domestic and foreign scholars on the research status of overall market performance; second, to The concepts and theoretical basis for the analysis of general situation, and summarizes several modes of enterprises listed as a whole and the respective characteristics; then based on the China power construction overall listing cases a brief overview on the research and analysis of Chinese power construction overall market performance of the industry in the overall market size advantage, competition change, related transactions and the synergistic effect of the four factors were discussed and expected its likely impact on the performance, and then use the event study method, financial index method, economic analysis method and quantitative method to increase the value of the different of the short-term market reaction of the overall market, research on the financial performance and non-financial performance, found China electric power construction overall market caused a positive announcement effect, bring the excess returns for shareholders, and corporate financial performance than before the overall market and the industry has greatly improved, non The financial performance of human resources and technological innovation has been greatly improved, and lay the foundation for future development. Finally, through the research on the theory and case summary, draw the following conclusions: the overall market not only can effectively solve the problem of competition and related party transactions, to inject high quality assets also led to the advantage of the enterprise scale and synergy the growth and improve the enterprise's financial performance, enhance the company's profitability and stock value, brings real wealth for shareholders on corporate performance improvement brought positive effect. At the same time, this paper also for other whole listed companies, investors and regulators put forward the following suggestions: the enterprise group should own strategy and based on the external environment, formulate feasible scheme for the overall market; investors should be concerned about the quality of assets, rational treatment of whole city regulators; We should actively promote the overall listing and strengthen the supervision of the quality of the assets of the listed companies.



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