

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-23 17:08

  本文選題:金寨縣 切入點:農(nóng)村金融 出處:《安徽大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:農(nóng)村金融是加快城鄉(xiāng)一體化發(fā)展、促進社會主義新農(nóng)村建設(shè)的活水源和潤滑劑,充分而有效的金融供給無疑為農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)展和農(nóng)村城鎮(zhèn)化建設(shè)注人一針強心劑。近年來,為適應(yīng)轉(zhuǎn)型期農(nóng)村發(fā)展的需要,中央加大了農(nóng)村金融改革力度并取得了實質(zhì)性的成果。然而,在反復(fù)改革和洗牌過程中,農(nóng)村金融高頻率的調(diào)整和整頓正在逐漸顛覆既有的改革模式和道路,并呈現(xiàn)出反映當前金融發(fā)展訴求的新觀念、新范式、新路徑、新方向、新目標、新坐標等新內(nèi)容。金寨縣地處安徽省西部,大別山腹地,鄂豫皖三省結(jié)合部,面積3814平方公里,轄23個鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)、1個現(xiàn)代產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū),226個行政村,總?cè)丝?68萬,是安徽省國土面積最大、山區(qū)人口最多的縣,也是全國扶貧重點縣。2012年6月19日,時任全國人大常委會委員長吳邦國深入金寨縣山村農(nóng)家、庫區(qū)一線視察,根據(jù)金寨縣發(fā)展實際和問題,提出了 "5+1"項目,其中就包括了金寨縣農(nóng)村金融綜合改革。2012年9月,安徽省政府出臺《金寨縣農(nóng)村金融綜合改革實施方案》,全面實施以金融服務(wù)扶貧開發(fā)為特色的農(nóng)村金融綜合改革。本論文從實際出發(fā),總結(jié)金寨縣農(nóng)村金融綜合改革的經(jīng)驗做法并加以推廣,發(fā)現(xiàn)改革過程中存在的不足和現(xiàn)階段存在的困難,并通過力所能及的溝通協(xié)調(diào),幫助解決這些困難,同時探索下一階段提升改革質(zhì)效的方法和思路,為金寨縣農(nóng)村金融綜合改革出謀劃策。
[Abstract]:Rural finance is a living source and lubricant for accelerating the development of urban-rural integration and promoting the construction of a new socialist countryside. The full and effective financial supply is undoubtedly a powerful agent for the development of agriculture and the construction of rural urbanization. In recent years, In order to meet the needs of rural development in the transition period, the central government has intensified the reform of rural finance and achieved substantial results. However, in the process of repeated reform and reshuffle, The adjustment and rectification of the high frequency of rural finance is gradually subverting the existing reform mode and road, and presents new ideas, new paradigms, new paths, new directions and new goals that reflect the demands of current financial development. Jinzhai County is located in the western part of Anhui Province, the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, covering an area of 3814 square kilometers, and has jurisdiction over 23 townships, a modern industrial park, and 226 administrative villages, with a total population of 680000. On June 19, 2012, Wu Bangguo, then chairman of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, went deep into the farmers' homes of mountain villages in Jinzhai County to inspect the reservoir area. According to the development practice and problems of Jinzhai County, the "51" project was put forward, which included the comprehensive reform of rural finance in Jinzhai County. The Anhui Provincial Government has issued the "implementation Plan of Comprehensive Rural Financial Reform in Jinzhai County" to comprehensively implement the comprehensive rural financial reform, which is characterized by the poverty alleviation and development of financial services. Summing up and popularizing the experience and practice of comprehensive rural financial reform in Jinzhai County, finding the shortcomings in the process of reform and the difficulties existing at the present stage, and helping to solve these difficulties through communication and coordination within the limits of their capabilities. At the same time, it explores the methods and ideas of improving the quality and effect of the reform in the next stage, and gives some suggestions for the comprehensive reform of rural finance in Jinzhai County.


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