

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-23 14:51

  本文選題:大拇哥財(cái)富 切入點(diǎn):P2G 出處:《延邊大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Unlike the traditional banking lending and financing product model, with the popularity of the Internet to everyone, from the initial online chat to online shopping, and then to the rise of the Internet financial industry, This paper analyzes P2G industry and makes a new solution. Investors choose the product and duration you want to invest through mobile terminal or PC terminal. The model adapts to the trend of contemporary development. The purpose of this business plan is to analyze the sustainable and stable development of the platform. Through the company's business model, get the way the company works, including large state-owned enterprises, borrowing enterprises, investors, third parties, brokers. Through the management of coupons, information, In the analysis of the project, taking a Guizhou project as an example, the author simply explained the kind of products and the process of establishing the project. We can get a simple and clear idea of the reasons for the product. Through the example of the investment project in Shehong City of Sichuan Province, we can get the selection criteria for the main body of the company's bond issuance, the use of funds, the source of repayment, the direction of screening, etc. By using PEST, we can make use of PEST for political, economic, and social purposes. Four factors of technology and Porter's five-force model are used to analyze the overall environment, the industry environment and the competitive environment, and to study the actual project cases. Get the company's development strategy emphasis. Through the investigation and collation of data to get the company's operation, the company's overall human resources framework and the company's important risk control, through the argument of this article, Big thumb brother wealth company P 2 G platform risk controllability, investment feasibility.


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