

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-23 12:25

  本文選題:金融生態(tài) 切入點:西部地區(qū) 出處:《貴州財經(jīng)大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the increasing development of economy in our country, the development of financial industry has led to the continuous development of financial industry, and the financial industry has gradually leapt from the marginal industry of economic development to the main force of economic development. With the continuous improvement of economic level, the malpractices in economic development are also constantly appearing. The fundamental reason for the accumulation of financial risks is not only the financial institutions themselves, but also the participants in the financial market and the financial ecological environment in which they exist. And the mutual adjustment between them is also a breeding ground for risk. So, to reduce the risks in the financial industry, we should not only look for the reasons for the development of the financial industry itself, but also start with the financial ecological system in which the financial industry is located. Using the development of financial industry to drive the development of various fields of economy, to build a good financial ecological system, a good financial ecological system can reduce the risks in the development of the financial industry, and can also promote the development of the financial industry. As a new theory with Chinese characteristics, the theory of financial ecology combines finance with natural ecology, and introduces the theory and method of ecology to construct a complete theoretical system of financial ecology. The continuous development of financial ecology can promote the healthy and sustainable development of the financial system and reduce the risk. Promoting economic development. With the development of the western region and the rejuvenation of the western economy by the policy of "Belt and Road", the western region of our country has ushered in a good opportunity for economic development. But at the same time of economic development, It is also necessary to fully realize the significance of financial ecological construction. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part describes the research background and significance of this paper, combing the current research situation at home and abroad. The second part, first introduces the concept of financial ecology. It should include three elements: the financial ecological subject, the financial ecological environment and the financial ecological regulation. The purpose of this paper is to start with the three elements of the financial ecology, and to sort out the theory of the financial ecology from three aspects. Attach importance to the relatively few studies on the financial ecological subject and the regulation of the financial ecology, and carry on the simple reconstruction of the financial ecological system to provide the theoretical basis for the construction of the financial ecological index system. This paper introduces the principles of index construction of financial ecosystem, reviews the relevant literature, introduces the object of study and the basis of index selection, and then completes the construction of index system. Then the dynamic evaluation method is used to evaluate the index set dynamically and synthetically. The weight coefficients of each index at different times are obtained, and the weight coefficients of each index are obtained. Get the relatively important index factors, and then continue to use the entropy method and the ideal point method of the comprehensive evaluation of the financial ecology of the western region of China, and get the comprehensive ranking results of the financial ecology in the western region of China. In view of the empirical results of the fourth part, the paper puts forward the problems encountered in the development of financial ecology in western China and gives corresponding optimization suggestions. The sixth part summarizes the full text according to the above five parts, and points out the shortcomings.


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