

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-23 10:54

  本文選題:農(nóng)村金融 切入點(diǎn):農(nóng)戶 出處:《安徽財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the promotion of various reform measures, China's financial industry is developing faster, and the structural reform of the financial sector has also made remarkable achievements. However, the development of the rural financial market is not perfect, and there is a phenomenon of unequal supply and demand. Because of the existence of many market contradictions, the residents' demand for loans and loans cannot be completely satisfied. In the existing rural financial system, the prominent phenomenon is that formal financial institutions and informal financial institutions exist at the same time. The most important way to satisfy farmers' borrowing is the private financial market. Compared with the formal financial institutions, informal lending methods place more emphasis on social relations. And the risk of borrowing is relatively small. Therefore, most farmers' lending needs cannot be satisfied by formal financial institutions, but the private lending market is developing in full swing, resulting in the exposure of many hidden dangers in the private financial market. It not only affects the development and perfection of rural financial market, but also hinders the process of agricultural supply-side reform. The principal position of farmers' loan demand in rural financial market is becoming more and more stable. It is beneficial to study the influencing factors of farmers' borrowing behavior to alleviate the phenomenon that farmers' loan demand is not satisfied. To a certain extent, it can promote the transformation and upgrading of rural financial institutions and the rapid development of urbanization. The behavioral characteristics are influenced by various factors, including external environmental factors and individual factors, which mainly include the developed degree of financial market, the level of economic development, the financial policy and so on. The faster the financial market develops, the more convenient it will be for farmers to borrow and borrow, which will inevitably increase as a result of the opening up of policies. In addition, in areas with higher economic development, the economic structure is relatively complex. Farmers' education level and literacy are higher than those in remote areas, farmers' work is diversified, and their investment and consumption expenditures are also showing a gradual upward trend. Therefore, its capital lending activities are also more. The individual influencing factors are mainly from the perspective of the farmers themselves. Generally speaking, the lending behavior will be affected by the farmers' age, gender, household income, consumption expenditure structure, The influence of cultivated land area and social relations, the farmers with different characteristics of the lending behavior is different, What factors are the main factors that affect the behavior of rural residents in our country should be analyzed according to the characteristics of production and life in this area. Firstly, this paper briefly expounds the current situation of agricultural supply-side reform and agriculture. Village loan market supply and demand, It was found that there was a contradiction between supply and demand in the market, which led to the inability of residents to meet their borrowing needs. Combining with the agricultural supply-side structural reform measures currently implemented by our country, this paper analyzes its influence on the rural loan market, and further investigates the influencing factors of the rural residents' lending activities by questionnaire to the families in rural areas of northern Anhui Province. With the existence of lending behavior as dependent variables, with age, sex, marital status, education, cultivated land and other 10 factors as independent variables, the collected data were analyzed by binary selection model regression analysis. Finally, this paper summarizes the conclusion and gives three levels of suggestions, including the national policy level, combined with the outstanding problems existing in the farmers' lending behavior. Financial institutions and farmers themselves.


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