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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-23 00:35

  本文選題:城鎮(zhèn)化 切入點:融資模式 出處:《河北大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, steadily promoting urbanization has been an important task facing the reform and development of our country at this stage, as well as a major task facing governments at all levels. At present, the growth rate of government revenue is slowing down. Relying on government investment alone is difficult to meet the financial needs of urbanization. Therefore, China's urbanization construction urgently needs to increase the channels for raising funds. In 2014, the state issued the guidelines on Cooperation between the Government and Social Capital, encouraging and supporting social capital to invest in infrastructure construction and other fields. Therefore, since 2014, the state has vigorously promoted the PPP model, but the PPP model cannot solve all the problems faced by urbanization, so on the basis of the development of industrial funds in China, The Urban Development Fund is the combination of the government and the market. It uses a small amount of financial investment to leverage a large number of social funds and invest more in the construction of public welfare projects than PPP. In order to ensure and promote the smooth progress of urbanization construction, this paper, based on the background of urbanization construction in China, takes the new financing model of China's Urban Development Fund as the starting point. Taking the operation mechanism of urban development fund of our country as the research subject of this paper, the paper studies the four components of the operation mechanism, namely: organizational form, fund raising, project investment management and fund withdrawal. Firstly, the definition of urban development fund and the components of operation mechanism are introduced. Secondly, the present situation of the operation mechanism of urban development fund in China is analyzed, and the problems existing in its operation mechanism are summarized, such as the single channel for raising funds. The supervision is not in place, the fund operation is not standard; the project operation has not fully realized the risk sharing; the fund operation lacks the corresponding financial service organization; the fund exit way is single. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the organizational form, raising of funds, project investment management and fund withdrawal of the National Urban Development Fund, the paper summarizes the experiences and deficiencies in the operating mechanism of the Urban Development Fund abroad. Finally, in view of the problems existing in the operation mechanism of the urban development fund in China, the system system, capital collection, investment management, At the end of these aspects, the author puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the operating mechanism of the Urban Development Fund in China.


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