

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-22 19:55

  本文選題:移動支付 切入點:安全 出處:《昆明理工大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:The emergence of mobile payment has overturned the way people live and consume. As of December 2016, the scale of mobile phone payment in China has reached 469 million, the proportion of Internet users paying mobile phone has reached 67.5%, and mobile phone payment has rapidly penetrated the field of offline payment. The amount of payment continues to expand and the transaction volume explodes. Various mobile payment terminals, third-party service providers emerge, and various security problems follow, posing a threat to the safety of people's property. At this point, the security of mobile payment has become the focus of attention. Through the macro and micro analysis of patent information in the field of mobile payment security technology, this paper studies the current situation and development trend of this technology field. Some suggestions are put forward for the patent application of mobile payment security technology in China. Firstly, the security technology of mobile payment is introduced. Then, the patent information of mobile payment security technology is counted. With the help of chart analysis, the development trend of patent application, the situation of patent applicants and inventors, the status of patent law, the regional composition and ranking of applications are analyzed macroscopically. And using comparative analysis method to study the trend of patent application and distribution of patent application of the top five major applicants in the number of applications. Then, through microanalysis of patent information of mobile payment security technology, Construct technology efficacy matrix map, further understand and analyze technology classification and efficacy, find out the research and development hot spot and blank spot in this technology field; then use model analysis method to excavate the core patent of this technology field and carry on the key research to it. This paper summarizes the patent application in the field of mobile payment security technology in China, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of our country in the field of mobile payment security technology research and development, from the country, industry, In order to promote the sustainable development of industry technology and effectively enhance the safety and security of mobile payment users, the enterprises and individuals made the outlook separately.


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