

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-22 06:07

  本文選題:定向增發(fā) 切入點(diǎn):折價(jià)率 出處:《沈陽(yáng)工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the level of economic development in China has risen sharply, and the refinancing methods of the capital market are also varied. Generally speaking, the issuance of corporate bonds and the securitization of assets are the majority. Since the reform of split share structure, the directional additional issuance has been compared with other financing methods. It has unparalleled advantages, such as low requirements for issuing qualifications, simple issuance procedures, relatively low distribution costs, and the existence of locking periods will not increase the pressure of market expansion. Moreover, it has great benefits for realizing the overall listing of the company. In 2006, from the beginning of our country's formal promulgation of the laws and regulations on additional directional offerings to the end of 2016, A total of 2725 listed companies in China's A-share securities market have carried out additional placement refinancing. Of these, 793 A-shares were targeted in 2016, raising a total of 1.668568 trillion yuan, which is a record high in both amount and quantity. But it can not be ignored that most of the additional offerings are aimed at a small number of specific objects and tend to be relatively small, which involves the distribution of wealth between the new shareholders and the original shareholders. Especially when it comes to the participation of large shareholders in directional additional issuance, discount issuance becomes the latent rule of large shareholders' participation, and the discount rate is much higher than that without the participation of large shareholders. Moreover, the issuing price of additional directional offering and the proportion of shareholders' subscription jointly affect the distribution of wealth, so the key lies in how to price. In our country, the phenomenon of high discount in directional additional offering is very common. This paper studies the discount problem of the directional additional offering, and introduces the theory about the discount motivation and the economic consequence and financial effect of the listed company after the additional offering, which is related to the behavior of the large shareholders' interest transmission, this paper studies the discount problem of the directional additional offering, and introduces the related theories about the discount motivation and the financial effect of the listed company. The main line is to study the behavior and discount rate of large shareholders' interest transmission in the process of directional placement. Through the comparison of all the listed companies in Cathay's database, the author finally selects Xinhua Media as the research object. This paper adopts the method of literature review and case study to analyze the motivation of discount and the economic consequences after the increase of directional placement. There are the following contents: first of all, a brief introduction to Xinhua Media Company is given. And listed the relevant plans and processes of the additional offering, and then analyzed its discount motivation, and provided two angles of thinking, that is, large shareholder interest transmission and market price, after removing the suspicion of interest transmission, It is concluded that the market situation is the reason that affects the discount price of the new directional additional offering, and then the long-term reaction of the stock market after the placement is checked, and the economic consequences after the increase are defined from the market reaction and the financial effect. The positive wealth effect and good financial effect are found after the issuance. Finally, the conclusion is drawn from the view of investor protection, and the pricing mechanism and the capital market are put forward. Recommendations on corporate governance.


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