

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-22 04:39

  本文選題:信用評價 切入點:商業(yè)銀行 出處:《山東大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:隨著我國市場、經(jīng)濟和社會的開放繁榮和國家政策的支持,為中小企業(yè)的發(fā)展提供了健康良好的經(jīng)濟政策環(huán)境,中小企業(yè)在此環(huán)境下茁壯成長并逐漸體現(xiàn)出越來越重要的作用。但同時,中小企業(yè)仍然面臨著一些亟待解決的瓶頸問題,如其中比較突出的融資問題。當中小企業(yè)需要貸款時,它們的第一選擇是商業(yè)銀行,從理論上來說,一方面中小企業(yè)需要充足的資金以滿足它們迅猛的發(fā)展態(tài)勢,另一方面商業(yè)銀行也需要發(fā)放貸款以實現(xiàn)盈利的同時調整貸款結構,這本是一個可以實現(xiàn)雙贏的關系。但是在實際中,卻存在著銀行授信難的同時企業(yè)融資難的矛盾。這一問題存在的原因主要有以下兩點,一方面是中小企業(yè)自身財務數(shù)據(jù)不完善或不真實,以及規(guī)模較小抵御風險能力差等缺陷,另一方面則是商業(yè)銀行對中小企業(yè)信用評價不夠及時,也不夠準確,使商業(yè)銀行不能有效的選擇出合適的放貸對象和放貸金額。L銀行是一家地方性股份制商業(yè)銀行,在長期的發(fā)展和戰(zhàn)略的調整之后,L銀行已將主要的工作重心轉向中小企業(yè)市場,中小企業(yè)貸款占其全部貸款的90%以上。與此同時,L銀行的不良貸款情況也比較嚴重,近年來一直保持增長的趨勢,到2015年不良貸款率達到了 2.72%,在全國城商行中排名前五。在此背景下,本文在整理、歸納和分析信用評價理論和方法,并借鑒國內(nèi)其他商業(yè)銀行針對中小企業(yè)信用評價的經(jīng)驗的基礎上,對當前信用評價的定量和定性分析指標進行了調整和優(yōu)化。本文在內(nèi)容上分為三個部分:第一部分:通過大量的閱讀文獻、整理相關的研究經(jīng)驗和學習相關的理論,確定了本文所研究的信用評價體系側重于針對中小企業(yè),并通過對了解和梳理各種可以用于信用評價的方法,結合各種方法的優(yōu)缺點和我國的實際情況確定了用網(wǎng)絡層次分析法建立中小企業(yè)信用評價體系。第二部分:分析了 L銀行的現(xiàn)狀和L銀行現(xiàn)有信用評價體系存在的缺陷,根據(jù)中小企業(yè)——尤其是L銀行客戶以制造行業(yè)和零售批發(fā)企業(yè)為主的的特點,為L銀行中小企業(yè)信用評價選取了適宜的指標。使用網(wǎng)絡層次分析法確定各評價指標的權重,從而最終確定了 L銀行針對中小企業(yè)信用評價指標體系,彌補了傳統(tǒng)中小企業(yè)評估方法的某些局限性。第三部分:案例分析及保障措施。選取了 L銀行的一個貸款客戶,通過案例驗證了優(yōu)化后信用評價體系的有效性,并提出相應的保障措施。本文在指標的選擇上,具體分析L銀行對中小企業(yè)信用評價體系現(xiàn)狀和存在的問題,針對L銀行貸款客戶中小企業(yè)的特征,并考慮到L銀行貸款客戶分布較為密集行業(yè)的特征,更加全面地去考慮所有各方面能夠對中小企業(yè)信用評價產(chǎn)生影響的要素。本文運用的網(wǎng)絡層次分析法計算各指標權重,該方法可以考慮到各指標間的相互影響,能更合理地計算出指標的權重,對其他銀行也有借鑒意義。
[Abstract]:Along with our country market, open economic and social prosperity and the support of national policy, economic policy provides a good environment for the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises thrive under this environment and gradually plays a more and more important role. But at the same time, SMEs are still facing some urgent bottleneck problems, such as the serious financing problems when the SMEs need loans, their first choice is the commercial bank, in theory, on the one hand, SMEs need sufficient funds to meet their rapid development trend, on the other hand, commercial banks also need loans to achieve profitability and structural adjustment loans, this is a one can achieve a win-win relationship. But in practice, there is a bank credit difficult and enterprise financing difficult contradiction. The main reasons of the problem being to Two points, one is the small and medium-sized enterprise financial data is incomplete or untrue, and smaller defects such as poor ability to resist risks, on the other hand, is a commercial bank credit evaluation of SMEs is not timely, it is not accurate enough, so that commercial banks can not effectively select appropriate lending objects and lending Bank.L a local joint-stock commercial banks, after the long-term development and strategic adjustment, L bank has been the main focus of the work to the market of small and medium enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises above loans accounted for 90% of its total loans. At the same time, non-performing loans of L bank is also more serious in recent years has maintained a growth. The trend, to 2015 non-performing loan ratio reached 2.72%, the top five firms in the city. Under this background, this paper in finishing, induction and analysis of the theories and methods of credit evaluation, and reference to other domestic The basis for commercial banks to SMEs credit evaluation on the experience of the current credit evaluation of quantitative and qualitative indicators were adjusted and optimized. The content is divided into three parts: the first part: through a lot of reading literature, research experience and learning theory, this study determined the credit evaluation system for small and medium enterprises to focus on, and through the understanding and analysis various methods can be used for credit evaluation, combined with the advantages and disadvantages of various methods and the actual situation of our country to determine the method of establishing the credit evaluation system of small and medium-sized enterprises with the analytic network. The second part analyzes the defects of the existing credit evaluation system of the status quo and L Bank of L bank, according to the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially the L bank customers in the manufacturing industry and the wholesale and retail enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises for L bank letter Select the appropriate indicators for evaluation. Using network analysis and AHP to determine the weights of evaluation indexes, and finally determined the L bank for the credit evaluation index system of small and medium-sized enterprises, to make up for some of the limitations of traditional evaluation method of small and medium-sized enterprises. The third part: case analysis and protection measures. A selection of loan customers of L bank through the case, verify the validity of the credit evaluation system after optimization, and puts forward the corresponding measures. In this paper, the choice of indicators, the specific analysis of L bank for small and medium-sized enterprises credit evaluation system of the status quo and existing problems, according to the characteristics of L bank loans to customers of small and medium-sized enterprises, and considering the characteristics of L bank customer distribution is intensive industries, more comprehensive to consider all aspects of factors can affect the credit evaluation of SMEs. This paper uses the calculation of network level analysis The weight of each index can take into account the mutual influence of each index, and can calculate the weight of the index more reasonably, and it can also be used for reference for other banks.



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