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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-22 01:00

  本文選題:股票市場 切入點:資源行業(yè) 出處:《江西財經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Under the situation of economic globalization and financial market integration, the international division of labor is deepening, the modern information technology is developing rapidly, and the correlation between China's stock market and international capital market has also been strengthened. At the same time, with the rapid development of China's economy, With the shortage of domestic commodity supply and the increasing dependence on foreign countries, China's economy is facing enormous risks. Therefore, studying the spillover effects between industries with the same resources in the stock market of China and the United States is not only helpful for the government to guard against financial risks. It is also helpful for investors to make appropriate investment decisions. Firstly, this paper reviews the relevant literature on the spillover effect between stock markets. Secondly, after comparing and analyzing the development of resources industry in China and the United States, this paper begins with the financial system. This paper analyzes the spillover effect between the same resources industries in the stock market of China and the United States from the angle of investor behavior and demand. The more perfect the system of stock market between China and the United States, the less complete the market information that investors have. The greater the consumption and investment demand for commodities between China and the United States, the more significant the spillover effect between China and the United States stock market. Then, this paper analyzes the transmission of spillover effect from three channels. Changes in commodity prices in a country can result in exchange rate movements through imports and exports, and ultimately foreign commodity prices. In price channels, Changes in commodity prices in one country can cause price changes in another country through imports and exports, which can then be transmitted to the stock market. In the expected channel, changes in stock prices in foreign stock markets can lead to changes in the expectations of domestic investors. Then this paper makes an empirical study on the spillover effects of the same resource industries in the stock market of China and the United States from the perspective of yield spillover and volatility spillover respectively. This paper starts with international commodity prices. The fast-rising 2004 is the point in time, The total sample range is determined to be July 2004 to January 2017, and the oil industry index, coal industry index, gold industry index and aluminum industry index are selected from the Central American stock market. The VARGARCH-BEKK model is established to test the direction of the inter-industry spillover effects of the same resources in Chinese and American stock markets. The empirical results show that the gold index, aluminum index and gold index of the American stock market are the gold index of Chinese stock market, the aluminum index and the gold index of American stock market. Aluminum index has two-way yield and volatility spillover effect, and China stock market coal index has one-way yield spillover to American stock market coal index. There is a two-way volatility spillover effect between the coal index of China stock market and the coal index of American stock market. The oil index of American stock market also has one-way yield and volatility spillover effect on the oil index of Chinese stock market. This paper puts forward some policy suggestions: strengthening the construction of petroleum, gold and aluminum supply systems, speeding up the improvement of energy and non-ferrous metal futures markets, and strengthening investor education.


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