

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-19 06:53

  本文選題:P2P網(wǎng)絡借貸 切入點:信用保證保險 出處:《安徽財經(jīng)大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:The emergence of P2P network lending is actually an innovation of the financial system. On another level, it is also an innovative embodiment of Internet finance. With the rapid development of Internet technology, The problem of the borrowing needs of small and micro enterprises and individuals can be alleviated by the information release of P2P platform, which can ease the information asymmetry between the fund requesters and the fund lenders. It is of great significance to solve the financing problem of small and micro enterprises. On the other hand, it also increases the direction of private capital flow and speeds up the flow of private capital. However, the rapid development of P2P network loans also brings many problems. For credit risk, the biggest risk in P2P platform, how to transfer and reduce the risk through credit guarantee insurance, It is the main research direction of this paper. Firstly, this paper expounds the research background and significance of the thesis, and puts forward the idea that we can help solve the P2P problem through the intervention of insurance mechanism. It also puts forward the idea of taking the credit guarantee insurance as an example to help solve this problem. Secondly, it expounds the basic theories such as information asymmetry theory, credit theory and so on. The paper lays the theoretical foundation of the article. Then it discusses the development of P2P network loan in China, and analyzes the credit risk in P2P network loan. Then the necessity of developing credit guarantee insurance in promoting the development of P2P is analyzed. This paper points out the function of developing P2P credit guarantee insurance, analyzes the operation mechanism of P2P credit guarantee insurance and case analysis, finally points out several obstacles to the development of P2P credit guarantee insurance, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions.


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