

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-18 20:36

  本文選題:操作風(fēng)險(xiǎn) 切入點(diǎn):內(nèi)部控制 出處:《山東農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of the global economic integration, the banking industry has made great progress, mixed operation, giant, appearance externalization has gradually become the trend of the banking industry, followed by the banking business environment is becoming more and more complex. The operational risks faced by various commercial banks are even more treacherous. The frequent cases of operational risks in recent years have also warned the banking sector and the regulatory authorities that adequate attention should be paid to the operational risks of banks. We must put operational risk prevention in a more important position. Although the Agricultural Bank of China is one of the "five big banks" in China, However, its ability to guard against operational risks has great potential to be excavated. The case of ABC Jiangsu Xuzhou Branch absconding with funds on 2012 and the 3.9 billion Yuan bill case of Agricultural Bank Beijing Branch on 2016 are all good examples. The analysis and exploration of agriculture under the new economic situation are very good examples. Row operational risk management strategy, This paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly introduces the purpose and significance of the topic selection. As well as the domestic and foreign internal control and operational risk internal control research situation. The second part, mainly introduces the internal control and operation risk and other related theories, mainly covers the internal control theory analysis, Operational risk theory analysis and operational risk and internal control analysis of these three aspects, and through the analysis of the perfect internal control is the main means of operational risk management. Taking the "Agricultural Bank of China 3.9 billion Yuan Bill case" as the starting point, the paper introduces in detail the Agricultural Bank of China and its Beijing Branch, as well as the concrete process of the 3.9 billion Yuan bill case. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the Agricultural Bank of China in preventing the internal control of operational risk, part 4th mainly introduces several typical foreign commercial bank operational risk management and internal control mode. Through the analysis of these typical operational risk management models of commercial banks based on internal control, we hope to find out the experience of Agricultural Bank of China in perfecting the internal control of operational risk. 5th, This part is mainly based on the analysis of the previous chapters, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the internal control of the operational risk of the Agricultural Bank of China. This paper takes the 3.9 billion Yuan bill case of the Agricultural Bank of China Beijing Branch as the starting point. This paper studies the problems existing in the operation risk management of the Agricultural Bank of China, and hopes to find out the countermeasures and suggestions to prevent the operational risks from the angle of perfecting the internal control of the Agricultural Bank of China. It is expected that these countermeasures and suggestions will help the Agricultural Bank of China to improve its operational risk management level.


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